Lakeside Middle School Athletic Program 1 Please use your electronic device to SIGN IN with the following URL code:

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1 Lakeside Middle School Athletic Program 1 Please use your electronic device to SIGN IN with the following URL code:

2 Lakeside Coaching Staff Dustin WilsonBlake Jameson Craig StensgardMike Yake Ben JamesonJohnny Castanon Sean CoffeyHack Holcomb 2

3 Physicals  All athletes are required to have a physical on file before they will be allowed to participate in the athletic period. All paperwork is due by June 5, 2015.  Athletes can have a physical done by their own doctor, but it will need to be filled out on LEISD/U.I.L. physical paperwork. Physicals must be dated after May 1, 2015. 3

4 Athletic Dress Code  Athletes will be expected to purchase required practice gear to wear during workouts.  Athletes are expected to dress in this attire for daily practices, and responsible for keeping up with it throughout the year. 4

5 Athletic Dress Code  Athletes will be expected to dress out everyday, even if they are injured.  No jewelry allowed during practices or games. No piercings are allowed during the school year – due to the fact they are advised to not remove the jewelry for a certain amount of time. Putting tape over the earrings is unacceptable. 5

6 Tardiness and Inappropriate Workout clothes  1 st offense: OFI (opportunity for Improvement)  2 nd offense: OFI and parent contact  3 rd offense: one-game suspension/change teams  4 th offense: dismissal 6

7 Bus Transportation  Transportation will be provided to all away sporting events.  All athletes are expected to ride the bus to events. 7

8 Bus Transportation  Athletes will be allowed to ride home with their parents. A sign-out sheet will be provided for parents and must be signed before taking your child (this only applies to away games). If you wish for you son to ride home with another parent you must call or email the Head Coach the day before the game. 8

9 Grades/Eligibility  Athletes must pass each of their classes for the six weeks or they will be ineligible to participate in U.I.L. sponsored sports. Grades will be checked at the 3 week Progress Report period. If they are passing all their classes they are eligible to play. If they are not at the three week progress report check then they will be ineligible for the rest of the grading period.  Players must continue to practice with the team after school but may not participate in any games. 9

10 Grades/Eligibility  Conduct grades lower than satisfactory, detentions or other behavioral problems will not be tolerated. If these situations occur, they will be dealt with on an individual basis.  If an athlete is in ISS on the day of a competition, he will not be able to participate in that particular game. 10

11 Illness/Injuries  NOTES: Athletes are expected to work out daily. However, we understand illnesses and injuries do occur. In such cases, parent notes are required and are good for two days only.  Your son should be evaluated either by our athletic trainers or a doctor if ill or injured and needs to be out more than two days. In addition, any athlete who cannot workout will be required to attend practice and dress out. 11

12 Illness/Injuries  If an athlete is sick, but well enough to attend school, he should dress out and participate in practice as possible. 12

13 Trainers  Laws Kidwell-Cox and Jonathan Shipley are trainers for the Little Elm school district.  One of the trainers will be at the Jr. High on Wednesday mornings between 7:30 and 8:30 a.m.  See the trainer before going to see a doctor unless it is an emergency. 13

14 Missed Practices/Games  All student/athletes must attend scheduled practices and games. If you need to miss a practice and/or a game, parents should notify the coaching staff in advance by calling (972) 292-3200 ext.12021, or via e-mail. 14

15 Missed Practice/Games  Missed practice without notification to coach:  1 st offense: OFI  2 nd offense: one game suspension  3 rd offense: dismissal  Missed game without advanced notification to coach results in dismissal. 15

16 Rides From Practices/Games  We ask that all athletes make prior arrangements for rides from practice and/or games.  Ride Pick-up Policies: Late pick-up more than ten (10) minutes:  1 st offense: warning  2 nd offense: parent contact  3 rd offense: one game suspension  4 th offense: dismissal  16

17 School vs. Club  Expectations: All school practices and games will take priority over club.  If an athlete is too injured to practice and/or play in school competitions then they should not be practicing and/or playing in club activities.  It is unacceptable to miss school workouts and then play club that same day.  Only.2% of H.S. athletes make it to the Pro Level. 17

18 L.E. Recent.2% (Cole Beasley) 18

19 Expectations  Respect all authority including coaches, teachers, parents, officials, and administrators on our campus, as well as, those from other campuses. 19

20 Expectations  All Lobo athletes are expected to demonstrate sportsmanlike conduct and loyalty to their team in any athletic competition and practice.  When other teams are playing, Lobo teams are expected to sit together in the assigned area until they are to take the field or court. 20

21 Coaches and parents WILL NOT take part in any kind of conference before, during or after a game. If you would like to speak to a coach about any concerns or questions you may have, please contact the coach during their conference period to set up a meeting. Communication 21

22 Communication parents can expect from the coach  Locations and times of practices and contests.  Team requirements, i.e., fees, special equipment needed, school & team rules, off- season expectations.  Procedures that will be followed if your child becomes injured during participation. 22

23 Communication Coaches expect from the parents  Notification of any schedule conflicts well in advance.  As your child becomes involved in interscholastic athletics, they will experience some of the most rewarding moments of their lives. It’s important to understand there may be times when things do not go the way you or your child wishes. These are the times discussion with the coach is encouraged. 23

24 Appropriate concerns to discuss with a coach  What your child needs to do to improve.  Concerns about your child’s behavior.  Your child’s grades 24

25 Chain of Command  Athlete speaks with coach first  Parent and athlete speaks with coach  Parent to Athletic Coordinator  Parent to Principal/Athletic Director 25

26 Facilities  Take pride in the athletic facilities, including keeping locker rooms clean.  Lock all personal items in your locker at ALL times. 26

27 Making the Team  All athletes will participate in tryouts for football, basketball & track.  Tryout dates will be announced at school in the weeks prior to the beginning of each season.  Football tryouts are the very first day of school 27

28 Making the Team  Anyone may tryout for any sport, as long as they have a physical on file.  Typically 90 athletes are chosen for a football and 30 for Basketball. Track numbers change from year to year.  There will be an A, B and C team in football and basketball. 28

29 Making the team for Football  Tryouts will begin on Monday August 24 and will last through Thursday, August 27.  Tryouts will be held during the athletic period and after school until 5:00 p.m.  Athletes will be talked to individually regarding if they made the team or not and why this decision was reached. 29

30 Making the Football team Tryouts will include: Catching skills Passing skills Agility Attitude Game situations Knowledge of the game Please understand these are just a few of the tangibles that the coaches will look for during tryouts. 30

31 Making the Basketball team  Tryouts will begin around the first week of November.  Tryouts will be held during the athletic period and after school until 5:00 p.m.  Athletes will be talked to individually regarding if they made the team or not and why this decision was reached. 31

32 Making the Basketball team  Try-outs will include:  Dribbling Skills  Passing Skills  Shooting Skills  Attitude  Game situations  Knowledge of the game Please understand these are just a few of the tangibles that the coaches will look for during tryouts. 32

33 Making the Track team  Tryouts will begin around the third week of February.  Tryouts will be held during the athletic period and after school until 5:00 p.m.  Track team member can vary from meet to meet.  Athletes will be talked to individually regarding if they made the team or not and why this decision was reached. 33

34 Making the Track team  Try-outs will include:  Times taken on the  100  200  400  1600 Field events offered: High jumpShot Long jumpDiscus Triple jumpPole Vault 34

35 Schedules  Schedules for each sport can be found on: *LMS webpage under the Athletics tab *  Hard copies will also be issued to athletes when the season begins. 35

36 Summer Camps   Football Camp: August. 3 rd – 7th  W. I. T. Camp: June 8 th – June 26 th (7:00 to 9:00 AM) 36

37 Wrap-Up  Physicals Due June 5 th (Document Available)  Purchase Athletic Attire Document  Sign up to Remind 101 Document  Athletic Equipment Handout Document  Athletic Code of Conduct Document  Other  Fund Raiser (Example)  STEM Transportation 37

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