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Country Partnership Strategy Progress Review World Bank Moldova April 2011.

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1 Country Partnership Strategy Progress Review World Bank Moldova April 2011

2 Country Partnership Processes Country Partnership Strategy outlines the Bank Group’s program of engagement Usually a four year cycle – the current Moldova CPS runs from 2009-2012 CPS Progress Report is a mid-course review & correction if necessary. Is the strategy still relevant, what progress made, are changes necessary?

3 Moldova Country Partnership Strategy FY09- FY12 Three pillars – Economic competitiveness and sustainable growth – Human development and public services – Public Sector Management and Governance Flexibility in lending program – Allowed focus on response to crisis in 2010 (Development Policy Operation to support ESRP) – Additional Finance to support vulnerable households (e.g. MSIF, social assistance) Emphasis on partnerships – Working with others to coordinate support for reform, coherent financing and to promote greater aid effectiveness

4 Progress Strong results have been delivered across all three pillars e.g. – Renovation of 65 kindergartens and improved teaching standards and materials (EFA/FTI) – RISP assisted creation of 1700 new businesses – Basis for improved public financial management (CPAR Trust Fund) IFC complements the Bank with $74m investment over the CPS Partnerships have been effective: eg Roads sector, CPAR, MSIF

5 Changes in the environment Elections have given a mandate for change Reform minded government Economy beginning to recover Opportunity now to expand the basis of the economy and make structural reforms necessary for Moldova’s future growth

6 Changes in the Bank’s Partnership Strategy Pillars still valid Adjustment in lending program to support government reforms – particularly education More focus in the program with less fragmentation as smaller projects exit Extending for a year to FY13 to set the basis for a more focused and strategic CPS beginning FY14

7 Proposed IDA lending program* CPS Progress Report Lending Program, (US$ million) FY 11 Actual Disaster and Climate Risk Management Strengthening the Effectiveness of the Social Safety Net Results Based Financing Governance e-Transformation TOTAL FY11 $10 $37 $20 $67 FY12 Forecast Competitiveness Development Policy Operation 1 Health Services and Social Assistance Additional Financing Agricultural Competitiveness TOTAL FY12 $20 $11 $15 $46 FY13 Forecast Competitiveness Development Policy Operation 2 Education RBL Public Financial Management 2 TOTAL FY13 $20 $30 $20 $70 FY14 Forecast (Indicative)** Competitiveness Development Policy Operation 3 Energy Efficiency TOTAL FY14 $20 $40 * IDA16 allocations are indicative only; IDA16 covers the period FY12-FY14 ** FY14 is in the next CPS period

8 Next Steps IDA allocations will allow confirmation of lending program – expected by June CPS Progress Report being finalised based on internal and external consultations Progress Report will go to WB Board June 2011

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