Lenape Webquest/Jigsaw Project

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Presentation on theme: "Lenape Webquest/Jigsaw Project"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lenape Webquest/Jigsaw Project
Expert Group 2 The Fashion Specialists

2 Travel Back in Time! When your Wigwam Time Machine takes you back in time to the 1400s, you will witness what life in New Jersey was like for the people who lived here first, the Lenape. Be sure to be very observant, and gather all the information you can!

3 Class Mission Your mission is to travel back in time of the Lenape, and gather all of the information you can. You will also compare and contrast the way the Lenape lived hundreds of years ago to the way the Lenape live today. When you return to the current time, you and your group will create a poster to show others what they might expect to see if they were to travel back in time.

4 Group Mission As the Fashion Specialists, it is your job to research the types of clothing the Lenape wore. As you research, you should record the answers you find on your graphic organizer.

5 What do I need to know? What did men wear? What did women wear?
What did children wear? Remember to provide specific details! How are Lenape clothes different today than they were years ago?

6 Basic Information about Lenape Clothing

7 Lenape Men’s Clothing Also, you can click on "Bandolier Bag" for more information.

8 Men’s Clothing breechcloths and leggings.

9 Lenape Women’s Clothing

10 Information and Pictures about Moccasins

11 How Lenape clothing has changed through the years

12 Don’t Forget Your Textbook
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