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Lions Clubs International Zone Chairperson Training.

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Presentation on theme: "Lions Clubs International Zone Chairperson Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lions Clubs International Zone Chairperson Training

2 When the instructor claps his/her hands, stand up, walk clockwise around the perimeter of the classroom 3 times, then return to your seat and await further instruction. You will have 3 minutes to complete the task. When the instructor claps his/her hands, stand up and begin walking around the room. Group 1Group 2

3 An observable and measurable outcome to be achieved within a fixed timeframe – the end result toward which your efforts are directed. Goal:

4 A sequence of steps to be taken or activities to be performed for a goal to be achieved. Action Plan:

5 Describe importance of goal setting and action planning Identify characteristics/components of effective goals and action plans Write effective goals Develop action plans Session Objectives

6 Effective Goals 1.Specific 2.Measurable 3.Actionable 4.Realistic 5.Time bound

7 Action Plans WHAT? Goal HOW? Action steps WHEN? Deadline for completion WHO? Person responsible for action HOW WILL WE KNOW? Indicator that the step/goal has been accomplished

8 Describe importance of goal setting and action planning Identify characteristics/components of effective goals and action plans Write effective goals Develop action plans Session Objectives

9 Where do I want to go as zone chairperson? How will I get there?

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