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English 113 Mr. Hussam Abu Shawish. Free Template from 2 1.Performing the Presentation: Beginning ☻ Points to remember: First impressions.

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Presentation on theme: "English 113 Mr. Hussam Abu Shawish. Free Template from 2 1.Performing the Presentation: Beginning ☻ Points to remember: First impressions."— Presentation transcript:

1 English 113 Mr. Hussam Abu Shawish

2 Free Template from 2 1.Performing the Presentation: Beginning ☻ Points to remember: First impressions really matter. Personal appearance (dressing) Facial expressions the way you stand Eye contact Speak slowly: Nervousness speeds us up. Begin a presentation in a cheerful way with a smile.

3 Free Template from 3 The Beginning: How performed? Say hello Introduce yourself Give purpose and main points Give schedule Handouts? Questions?

4 Free Template from 4 Interesting Beginning: How? Visual Quote surprising fact Story / anecdote question

5 Free Template from 5 Warm Up: Which of the statements do you agree with. Why? P. 34 1.The presenter’s job is to simplify; no apology should be necessary. 2.- Allocate enough time for preparation. - No time? Never tell the audience because they will lose confidence in you and not be receptive. 3.Introduce yourself relevantly: avoid giving unnecessary information.

6 Free Template from 6 4.Small audience? encourage interruptions large audience? Ask them to keep questions until the end of the presentation. 5.Telling jokes is risky. You may offend others. 6.It is a good idea to tell the audience how long the presentation will last. 7.Tell the audience there will be handouts at the end of the presentation. Otherwise, they may spend their time taking notes, not watching you.

7 Free Template from 7 The Video ☻ Group work: Watch the video and do the questions on page 35. (Three viewings) Do the follow-up questions on pages 36-37 Watch the video without the sound. What does Steve Parker physically do to establish contact with his audience?

8 Free Template from 8 Beginning: Language Phrases ☻ The language phrases on page 38 are important. You should memorize one phrase from each section.

9 Free Template from 9 Practice Based on the presentation outline you were asked to make p. 11, construct the beginning for your presentation and perform it to class.

10 Free Template from 10 Thank You

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