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White Oak Athletics Parent Information

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1 White Oak Athletics Parent Information 2015-2016
Dedication Determination Discipline

2 Yes Prep Athletic Department
MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the YES Prep Public Schools Athletic Department is to provide a rigorous athletic program which complements a challenging academic program in an unconditionally accepting environment. The Athletic Department serves to develop responsible individuals who demand excellence from themselves and their teammates on and off the field. VISION STATEMENT The YES Prep Athletics Program will be an integrated part of campus academics and culture by supporting college readiness through competitive team sports. Dedication Determination Discipline

3 White Oak Athletics Goals
90% Persistence of Athletes 90% Eligibility 100% Parent/Guardian Investment Dedication Determination Discipline

4 Playing Time Expectations
EARNED Know your Role on the TEAM TEAM player Hard Work Coachable Great Sportsmanship “There are no elevators to success, you must take the stairs” Dedication Determination Discipline

5 Dedication Determination Discipline
Coaching Staff COACH STAFF CONTACT INFORMATION Last Name First Name Position Cell Phone Aguilar Sandro Cross Country, Girls Basketball, Boys Soccer Gutierrez Joshua Athletic Director Flag Football, Boys Basketball OPEN Cheerleading Ortega Allison Volleyball, Girls Soccer Pralour Leonard Track & Field Dedication Determination Discipline

6 System Ineligibility Data
Dedication Determination Discipline

7 Failing or Grade of 75 and Below Action Plan and Tutorial Logs
Note: Coach and/or Athletic Director has the right to suspend any student-athlete who is not following requirements of action plan/tutorial log. Dedication Determination Discipline

8 Failing or Grade of 75 and Below Action Plan and Tutorial Logs Cont.
*Note: Below are the general guidelines, the Coach and/or Athletic Director has the right to mandate tutorials if a student-athlete is in grave academic danger. 6-WEEK GRADE CHECK: LOSE / REGAIN ELIGIBILITY If passing – academically eligible all term until the next 6-week check If failing – academically ineligible for 3 weeks; lose eligibility the following week (date listed in red on grade check calendar). Said student-athlete is not allowed to play in interscholastic games. Mandatory for said student-athlete to attend all practices and games to support team Practice days: expected to practice. Game days: professional dress; help coach and/or athletic director. If said student-athlete is passing at 3-week grade check, they regain eligibility the following week. 3-WEEK GRADE CHECK: REGAIN ELIGIBILITY ONLY ALL athletes, regardless if passing at 6-week check, will complete the 3-week grade check. Was failing, now passing – regain eligibility the following week Was passing, now failing – academically eligible to participate in athletics Coaches and/or Athletic Director will determine how to handle failing athletes on a one-on-one basis Dedication Determination Discipline

9 Eligibility Grade Checks
Please have grades updated 70 or above in each class to stay eligible Dedication Determination Discipline

10 Dedication Determination Discipline
Game Day Attire Student-athletes have the privilege to wear Professional Attire during game days Dedication Determination Discipline

11 Dedication Determination Discipline
Behavior Violations Consequences After Practice Wall Sits 5 Sets 15 seconds Burpees 5 sets of 3 Dedication Determination Discipline

12 Quitting or Removal From Team
Dedication Determination Discipline

13 Social Media/Hazing and Bullying
Dedication Determination Discipline

14 Parent Coach Communication
Please see handout Dedication Determination Discipline

15 Parent/Guardian Violations
Dedication Determination Discipline

16 Spectator Conduct Violations
All fans, including immediate family members, students, and staff will be held accountable to these expectations in the following ways. Offense No. Action Taken by Athletic Department 1st Offense Verbal warning from Athletic Director during event. Spectator will be allowed to remain at the event if they continue to demonstrate appropriate, positive behavior and this will be documented. 2nd Offense Second offense may occur during the same event as the 1st offense or at a subsequent event. After a second offense, the spectator will be removed from the event and this will be documented. 3rd Offense Following a second offense and removal from event, if a spectator continues to not meet expectations at a subsequent event, they will no longer be allowed to attend any school athletic events. If spectator refuses to comply, their child will be removed from the athletic program. Dedication Determination Discipline

17 Signed Documents/Questions?
Please sign and date all forms that are stapled together along with the uniform contract. Dedication Determination Discipline

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