SCR 740 Implementation of Web Services for ESIID level data Jackie Ashbaugh EAA Data Management.

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1 SCR 740 Implementation of Web Services for ESIID level data Jackie Ashbaugh EAA Data Management

2 Information included in SCR 727 ESIID Service History and Usage Extract – ESIID level data: ESIID existence – Data included in 814_20 ADD, RETIRE ESIID relationships (LSE, TDSP, MRE) – Data included in 814_20 ADD (TDSP, MRE) – Data resulting from retail activity in the Registration System ESIID characteristics (Loss Code, Station Code, Profile Code, CM Zone) – Data included in 814_20 ADD, MAINTAIN ESIID usage (IDR and non-IDR) – Data included in 867_03/F from PTD~SU loop and PTD~PP loop – Market level data: Tables to de-code data included in the ESIIDSERVICEHIST table such as TDSP, REP, PROFILECLASS, STATION, etc

3 Overview of Requirements for SCR 740 Provide MPs capability to query ESIID level data directly from ERCOT systems that is included in the SCR 727 ESIID Service History and Usage Extract Elementary Services – Questions utilizing one primary table to gather data for result – Example: What ESIIDs do I own? Integrated Services – Questions utilizing multiple tables to gather data for result – Example: What ESIIDs do I own and what usage is loaded for a specific trade date? Data results presented in a manner that will allow MPs to load the data directly into their SCR 727 database Capability for MPs to request baseline databases to recreated their entire SCR 727 database Multiple logins for multiple duns – At login market participants would only be required to input the DUNS Numbers they want data for. So if a MP has 6 DUNS Numbers but only wants data for 3 of those DUNS Numbers they would only be required to input those 3.

4 Types of ESIID level Questions provided with SCR 740 MPs will only receive data results for ESIIDs that belong to them at the point in time of their request MPs may upload a parameter file that includes ESIIDs/UIDESIIDs with up to 1000 records Data requests are queried against ERCOT’s Lodestar (Data Aggregation & Settlements System) ODS environment For a specific trade date and/or point in time: – What ESIIDs do I own? – What ESIIDs do I own with certain attributes? – What ESIIDs do I own with IDR/NIDR usage? Loaded or not loaded? – What ESIIDs do I own with certain attributes and IDR/NIDR usage data? – What ESIIDs I own with IDR/NIDR transaction loaded? – may upload the transaction id for an 867_03 to see if it is loaded or not loaded in ERCOT systems – Provide parameters from an LSEUNADJ load cut in the Load Extract to provide the resulting ESIID data that was used during data aggregation/settlments

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