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CSI 1390: Introduction to Computers TA: Tapu Kumar Ghose Office: STE 5014

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1 CSI 1390: Introduction to Computers TA: Tapu Kumar Ghose Office: STE 5014 Email:

2 Create Folders and text files  Creating folder Navigate to the directory where the folder is to be created Click right button of the mouse Point the mouse over the “New” item of the menu Click on the “Folder” option of the sub-menu Give a name to the newly created folder Press F2 to rename the folder name

3 Create Folders and text files  Creating text file using “notepad” Click the “start” menu presented at the bottom-left corner of the window Point the mouse over the “All Programs” item Point the mouse over the “Accessories” item of the sub-menu Click on the “Notepad” application of the sub-menu Click on the “File” from the menu bar of the notepad Using the “Save in” drop down list, navigate to the directory/folder where the text file is to be saved or created Give a name to the newly created text file by entering a name in the “File name” box. Click “Save” to save the file By default the extension of the file is “.txt” Press F2 to rename the file name

4 Using command promt to access the folders  Click the “start” menu presented at the bottom-left corner of the window  Point the mouse over the “All Programs” item  Point the mouse over the “Accessories” item of the sub-menu  Click on the “Command Promt” to open the command promt  The above three steps can be done by clicking “Run…” from the start” menu and entering “cmd” in the text box.  Suppose we want to access the “Program Files” folder of the C directory.  We can do so by entering as follows: cd\ cd Program Files (going into the “Program Files” folder) dir (viewing the content of the folder)  Now, using the above procedure go to the folder that you created

5 First Program: Hello World  Open a notepad to write a java program that will display “Hello World” as output.  The program is as follows: class myProgram { public static void main (String args[]){ System.out.println(“Hello world.”); } }  The “bin” directory of java is located at C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_12\bin  Save the file into the above directory by giving the file name same as the class name of the java program that we wrote  Here, the file name will be “”. Note that the file extension is java.  To make the file as a java file, choose “All files” from the Save as Types drop down box at the time of saving. Failure to do will make the file as a normal text file with.txt extension.

6 Compile and run the program  The “bin” directory of java is located at C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_12\bin  Go to the above directory by using command promt by using the following steps: Open command promt and enter the following commands cd\ cd Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_12\bin  To compile the java program enter the following command javac  To run the java program enter the following command java myProgram

7 Explanation of the source code class myProgram { public static void main (String args[]){ System.out.println(“Hello world.”); } }  Java program structured as a set of classes  All Java code must be part of a “class”  All classes must have a name. Here, our class name is “myProgram”  Beginning of a class is identified by a opening brace {  Ending of a class is identified by a closing brace }  In a class there will be two things attributes (store some information) methods (perform some specific task)

8 Explanation of the source code class myProgram { public static void main (String args[]){ System.out.println(“Hello world.”); } }  Here we have only one method  The name of the method is “main”  “main” is a special name.  All java program contains a method with the name “main”  When any java program is run, it starts from the “main” method  Body of each method contains set of statements  Each statement is terminated by semi-solon (;)  Here we have only one statement which prints the information between the quotes.

9 Taking input from user  Write a java program that will ask user to enter his/her name and age. The purpose of the program is to display the user name and the square of his/her age.  Before starting writing the source code we always try to determine few things What would be the input(s) to the program? What would be the output(s) to the program? How would we calculate the output?  Here, the input is a string (for containing the name) and an integer (for containing the age).  Outputs are string (that contains the name) and integer (that contains the square of the age).  The output of age will be calculated by using the “pow” method of the “Math” class.

10 Source code with explanation import*; import java.util.*; class myProgram { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{ String name; int age; BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; System.out.print("Enter your name: "); name = br.readLine(); System.out.println("Your name is " + name); System.out.print("Enter your age: "); age = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine()); System.out.println(Math.pow(age,2)); } }

11 Source code with explanation  throws IOException: An exception that is thrown when I/O error encountered. public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException  InputStreamReader works as a bridge from byte stream to character stream  It reads bytes and decodes into characters  BufferedReader reads text from character input stream BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;

12 Alernative sotution  Add the following codes just before the last brace } of the file public static void main(String[] args){ String name; int age; Keyboard kb = new Keyboard(); System.out.print("Enter your name: "); name = kb.readString(); System.out.println("Your name is " + name); System.out.print("Enter your age: "); age = kb.readInt(); System.out.println(Math.pow(age,2)); // add [import java.util.8;] before the class definition } }

13 Assignment  Modify or add codes to the file to do the following assignments.  Take the temperature of a day from the user in degree Celsius and convert it into degree Fahrenheit by using the formula F = 9/5 * C + 32  Given the value of r and h, find the volume of a cylinder by using the formula V = pi * r * r * h (the value of pi can be obtained by using the Math class)  Due before 8 am on September 28, 2007

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