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Best Use: to find meanings

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1 Best Use: to find meanings
The Dictionary Best Use: to find meanings

2 Dictionaries Book Form On-Line

3 p. 36 Information from a Dictionary
Pronunciation Meanings Parts of Speech Spelling of other forms of the word Restrictive meanings Etymology (word history)

4 p. 37 Abbreviations in a Dictionary
A key is provided at the beginning or end of the dictionary Lots of abbreviations for different uses

5 p.38 Pronunciation of the word
Phonetic symbols and syllable divisions are provided Have a pronunciation key handy. They will help you in using the phonetic respelling provided

6 p.39 Etymology (word history and origin)
Usually provided at the end of the word entry. The origin is usually started with the word “from. . .” and then the origin is stated.

7 p. 40 Restrictive Meanings
Meanings provided for word that apply only when the word is being used with respect to a specific topic or field of study.

8 Many meanings are provided for the Many ways the word can be used.
p. 41 Multiple Meanings Many meanings are provided for the Many ways the word can be used. Each meaning is often grouped by the part of speech being used. Less common spellings are included at the end of the entry

9 p. 42 Multiple Meanings continued
Try to figure the part of speech used with the word Skip slang or colloquial meanings If not sure of part of speech, read each definition to try to find the one that fits best Test your choice by substituting the meaning in the sentence for the word.

10 p. 45 Usage Notes A usage note or synonym section of the entry for words that are close in meaning to others. For example, a usage note for the word indifferent may explain how it differs in meaning from unconcerned, detached, and uninterested.

11 p. 46 Other Aids in the Dictionary
A variety of useful lists and tables Weights and measures tables Scientific information in tables and lists All kinds of signs, abbrev., symbols

12 p. 47 Pronouncing Unfamiliar Words
Dividing compound words into individual words Prefix + Root & Root + Suffix Divide words before a single consonant, unless the consonant is the letter r (hu/mid, pa/tron, re/tail, fa/vor, mor/on

13 Make a Word Map Diagram (blank)
p. 49 Word Mapping Make a Word Map Diagram (blank) Use the word provided, and then use the dictionary to fill in the blanks for the selected word.

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