Fourier’s Theorem Beats????. Fourier Series – Periodic Functions.

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Presentation on theme: "Fourier’s Theorem Beats????. Fourier Series – Periodic Functions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fourier’s Theorem Beats????

2 Fourier Series – Periodic Functions

3 Why this works! Fourier’s Hammer – say you wanted to find A 2 Multiple each term by cos(2  t) and time average.

4 Example f(t) 1 -2   t 22 Note:

5 Coefficients

6 Example f(t) 1 -2   t 22 Time Domain Frequency Domain

7 Demos Mathematica Logger Pro

8 Odd and Even Functions Even Odd

9 Odd and Even Functions Even Odd

10 Fourier Transforms Spectral Density

11 Dirac Delta Function

12 Spectral Density of a Delta Function

13 What if Spectral Density is a Delta Function

14 Heavyside Step Function

15 Table of Fourier Transforms (1.15.1)

16 So What????

17 Example 1.15.6 A simple oscillator at rest is struck with a force F(t) = (F) 1(t) where F = 1 N. Find the displacement and speed of the oscillator using section 1.15.

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