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Enrolling in SRE (‘Scripture’) Special Religious Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Enrolling in SRE (‘Scripture’) Special Religious Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enrolling in SRE (‘Scripture’) Special Religious Education

2 The enrolment form  Parents need to identify on the ENROLMENT FORM if they want Special Religious Education.  A child whose parent/carer ticks the YES box will be able to join SRE (Scripture) classes.

3 This brochure outlines  What happens in SRE lessons  Who are the teachers  What is taught  What are the benefits

4 Why choose SRE?  SRE provides a foundation for God and spirituality  SRE affirms that each child is unique and valued by God  SRE gives children an overview of the teachings of Jesus and core Christian beliefs  SRE assists children to explore life’s big questions with their peers  SRE explores Christian values like compassion, gratitude, forgiveness and humility

5 Why choose SRE?  In SRE children hear classic Bible stories like the Good Samaritan, Jesus Stops the Storm, Daniel in the Lions Den and The Wise and Foolish Builders  General knowledge and understanding of western language and customs is increased  Children learn the origins of Christmas and Easter  They get information which helps them decide if they want to incorporate faith and belief into their life as they grow older

6 SRE classes are an opportunity to  ask and discuss spiritual questions like Is God real? Who made the world?  affirm that each child is unique and valued by God  discuss good choices based on Christian ethics  explore spiritual practices like prayer and Bible memorisation  learn about how faith can strengthen our spirit to live well.

7 Who are the teachers?  Most SRE teachers are volunteers.  Some are priests, pastors and ministers.  All are authorised by their church to teach SRE.  All are screened and agree to follow an approved curriculum.

8 How do I find out more?  You can look at the material and the overview of the curriculum on the curriculum provider’s website.   You are welcome to ask the SRE teacher or coordinator.

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