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1. The Doctor & the Cure Luke 5:27-32 p. 950 The New Life of Heaven  Colonizing earth with the New Life of Heaven  Drive back the darkness.  Difficulty.

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2 1. The Doctor & the Cure Luke 5:27-32 p. 950

3 The New Life of Heaven  Colonizing earth with the New Life of Heaven  Drive back the darkness.  Difficulty … we’re the indigenous people.  Our story – calling us back to what we originally were.  We are being rallied under our rightful king.  A New series:  “Pictures of a New Life”

4 1. A Seeking God  Significant question: “Why do you eat with sinners?”  They ask a very important question.  As followers of a holy God shouldn’t they shun sin & sinners?  Live righteously then YHWH will deliver them from Rome.  The Pharisees had a high view of God’s holiness.  How can Jesus justify his actions?

5 1. A Seeking God...  God’s holiness is not the whole story.  God reveals himself & his character to Moses (Ex 34:6-7)  Ezekiel rebukes Israel’s leaders for not caring for the people (34:4)  Jesus cared: He describers his mission at Zacchaeus’ house (Luke 19:10)  Our God is a Seeking God.

6 1. A Seeking God...  Two lessons for us:  God seeks us out and offers us salvation (Luke 4:18-21)  We are to seek out the lost and bring them restoration.

7 2. A Calling God  Jesus comes to call sinners to repentance (v 32)  Jesus is calling each one of us.  He calls us to repentance  He calls us to new life and a new way of living.  Levi “left everything and followed him” (v 28)  God’s rescue is active and intentional (Luke 13:24-25)  How do we care for a person in difficulty?

8 2. A Calling God...  A Biblical Model of Caring: 1.Jesus retained the initiative and spoke truth. 2.Jesus called people to repentance. 1.They were to change how they lived. 3.People should work to support themselves (Gen 2:15; 2 Th 3:10; Eph 4:28; 1 Tim 5:8) 4.We are generous but not at the expense of other responsibilities.

9 3. A Healing God  Jesus comes to offer healing, to restore, rescue, save.  Two stories of healing: leper & paralytic.  People came to hear Jesus and be healed (Luke 5:15)  Our God is a healing God  More than just physical ailments - sin (5:20)  Calls sinners to repentance (v 32)

10 3. A Healing God...  We should also be bringing healing and restoration.  Be agents of healing doing mighty works (John 14:12)  We have no power in ourselves – it requires the touch of God

11 4. A Hearing God  We take on suffering & darkness – waging war on evil (Eph 6:12)  An intentional life of Prayer (John 16:24)  What if God doesn’t answer our prayer?

12 4. A Hearing God...  Were Jesus’ prayers always answered? NO!  Jesus’ prayer on the Mount of Olives (Luke 22:41-44)  Jesus prays out of his human weakness & fear – “Take this cup from me” It is NOT answered.It is NOT answered.  Jesus also prays a prayer of faith: “your will be done”  It is how he taught us to pray: “Thy will be done”

13 4. A Hearing God...  We are commanded to pray –  God is a hearing God (Psalm 17:6; 1 Peter 3:12)  It is right and good to seek the healing of our world.

14 Living It  A few pictures:  A Seeking God - finding and creating a Seeking People  A Calling God - saving and creating a Calling people  A Healing God - restoring and sending out a Healing People  A Hearing God - establishing a Praying People

15 Living It  Two ways to invade our world with the New Life of Heaven:  Morning prayer: Taking on the spiritual forces of darkness  Praying for healing right now.


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