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Social Studies Technology Project Erica Boone & LeeAnn Hostler Education 608 Wright State University Fall 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Studies Technology Project Erica Boone & LeeAnn Hostler Education 608 Wright State University Fall 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Studies Technology Project Erica Boone & LeeAnn Hostler Education 608 Wright State University Fall 2001

2 Table of Contents List of Ohio Social Studies Strands Description of Project Strand I: websites and activities Strand II: websites and activities Strand III: websites and activities Strand IV: websites and activities Strand V: websites and activities Strand VI: websites and activities Strand VII: websites and activities

3 Ohio Social Studies Strands I. American Heritage and People in Societies II. People in Societies III. World Interactions IV. Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities V. Democratic Processes VI. Decision Making and Resources VII. Science, Technology and Society

4 Project Description This project is designed to match the Ohio Social Studies Strands with appropriate activities and websites that meet these goals. It can be used as a guide for teaching Ohio History to Fourth Grade Class.

5 Strand I American Heritage

6 Web Sites Ohio Kids National Air Races CIA Homepage for Kids Geology Ancestry

7 Activities Students create a timeline of events that happened in Ohio History In small groups, students research the U.S. presidents that came from Ohio and create presentations Class trip to the Air Force Museum to learn more about Orville & Wilbur Wright’s first flight

8 More Activities Students trace their family line to discuss their own heritage via parents, grandparents and the previous listed website. Students graph the culture groups represented in the early settlers with the percentage of settlers on the y-axis and the name of the cultural group on the x-axis

9 Strand II People In Societies

10 Web Sites Ohio Indians Educational Web Adventures People: Past and Present Global Ethics Family Tree Magazine

11 Activities Create a map of where Native American tribes lived in Ohio Ask guest speakers to come to class to discuss their local cultural group Read biographies of people from various cultural groups in Ohio’s development

12 More Activities Read the book Mounds of Earth and Shell about the early mound builders in Ohio Watch the video The Prehistoric Ohioans

13 Strand III World Interactions

14 Web Sites World Safari Map Quest http://www/ Going Places http://www/ Geographica CIA world Fact Book http://www.cia/gov/publications/factbook/index.html

15 Activities Create a relief map of Ohio using clay to identify different elevations Students make posters of various land forms and bodies of waters Map Exploration-in small groups, students compete to find information on a world map

16 More Activities Students plan a trip through Ohio Students create a chart showing goods in services produced in Ohio and purchased in other nations

17 Strand IV Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities

18 Web Sites State and Local Government Citizenship American Promise Congress Link Character Education Links html

19 Activities Read and discuss current events Determine how you would campaign to win rights that they were being denied? Students develop a peaceful campaign to support their rights. Have students investigate opportunities for volunteering in their communities

20 More Activities Ask students to write a short essay describing how they might help a new immigrant feel comfortable in their school Class debate about whether or not the government owes the Native Americans anything for the way that their ancestors were treated.

21 Strand V Democratic Processes

22 Web Sites Ben’s Guide to Government for Kids The Constitution Government www.kidsvista/com/socialstudies/government.html Children’s Service Election and Voter Sites Civis Online

23 Activities List what police officers do then ask an officer to visit. Compare these lists. Conduct a mock trial Write a letter to a government official

24 More Activities Conduct a class election. Ask students to run for positions and include campaign managers and speeches. Look at census information from your city, county and state. Determine what kind of information the census collects.

25 Strand VI Decision Making and Resources

26 Web Sites Just for Kids kids.html Wired Kids Economic Education Link GreatKid/Teen Friendly ThinkQuest

27 Activities Students create posters that illustrate Ohio’s six natural resources-water, soil, minerals, animals, fuel & forests Students make a budget of how they will spend their money Presentations by local businesses about what they produce

28 More Activities make a chart showing what kind of jobs the parents have (goods, services) Product testing-compare products using a Venn diagram

29 Strand VII Science, Technology and Society

30 Web Sites Classroom Connect Human Rights and Organizations Educational Tech Top 10 COSI Homepate Ohio on-line zoo

31 Activities Evaluate different web pages related to a particular topic. For example: research on Paul Laurence Dunbar ( field trip to COSI visit an Ohio on-line zoo

32 More Activities Students create a power point presentation to share Ohio research with the class Students use a word processor to create a research report

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