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1 4th FAA - EUROCONTROL AP6 Technical Interchange Meeting (TIM -4) Ground-based Decision Support for Conflict Detection and Resolution.

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Presentation on theme: "1 4th FAA - EUROCONTROL AP6 Technical Interchange Meeting (TIM -4) Ground-based Decision Support for Conflict Detection and Resolution."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 4th FAA - EUROCONTROL AP6 Technical Interchange Meeting (TIM -4) Ground-based Decision Support for Conflict Detection and Resolution

2 2 Intro : TIM Background FAA - EUROCONTROL Co-operation on Research & Development Action Plan 6 : Decision Support Tools Technical Interchange Meetings : –TIM 1 A/G data applications Washington 1998 –TIM 2 Surface Management Braunschweig 98 –TIM 3 Lessons learned HMI Toulouse 1999 –TIM 4 Conflict Probe Memphis 1999

3 3 ATC - Conflict Probe History general Conflict detection and resolution is the essence of Air Traffic Control ICAO : ATC will prevent collisions while expediting and maintaining an orderly flow of air traffic Automation of ATC conflict detection : – the holy grail – the product of alchemists – the philosophers stone – reality

4 4 ATC - Conflict Probe History human based Elementary air based conflict detection and resolution: See and be seen First step of ground based conflict detection: ATC by Dead Reckoning Safety provided by Procedural control conflict detection and resolution Capacity provided by Radar control conflict detection and resolution

5 5 ATC - Conflict Probe History Automation (1) Automation of Conflict detection has been experimented since the introduction of data processing in ATC : –on the basis of flight plan data and procedural separation criteria (an application of automated conflict detection based on flight plan data and procedural separation criteria is presented on the next slides)

6 6 Automated conflict detection in the Amsterdam SATCO system, in use from 1969 to 1981

7 7 Indication of the conflicts, presented as a warning light in red (inverted colour on this picture) Automated conflict indications in the Amsterdam SATCO system Mechanical strips used by the planning controller (replica of paper strips)

8 8 ATC - Conflict Probe History : Automation (2) Automation of Conflict detection has been experimented since the introduction of data processing in ATC : –on the basis of flight plan data and procedural separation criteria –on the basis of surveillance updates to flight plan data –on the basis of trajectory prediction with tactical flight plan updates and conformance monitoring

9 9 ATC - Conflict Probe Where are we to-day US application : Memphis URET European application : Amsterdam ACOD European research : –France : ERATO –Germany : VAFORIT –Spain : SACTA/FOCUCS –UK : FACTS –EUROCONTROL : Automated support to ATC programme PHARE demonstration evolution of controller roles

10 10 ATC - Conflict Probe Future Perspective (1) Conflict Detection and Resolution dependencies : –accuracy of trajectory prediction –technical performance –reliability –tactical data updates –human factors The real thing for perfection : –exchange of air/ground data

11 11 ATC - Conflict Probe Future Perspective (2) The EUROCONTROL organisation is in the process of defining its ATC/DP strategy as an element of the ATM strategy for 2000+ : 2005 2010 2015 ATC/DP CE 2 Decision Support Operational Improvements Automated support for conflict detection Enhancing conflict detection and resolution by using aircraft derived data 2000 Automated support for conflict detection and resolution Detection and resolution of complexity, density and traffic flow problems All dates are tentative and relate to system implementation

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