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Simulation of Current Filaments in Photoconductive Semiconductor Switches K. Kambour, H. P. Hjalmarson, F. J. Zutavern and A. Mar Sandia National Laboratories*

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Presentation on theme: "Simulation of Current Filaments in Photoconductive Semiconductor Switches K. Kambour, H. P. Hjalmarson, F. J. Zutavern and A. Mar Sandia National Laboratories*"— Presentation transcript:

1 Simulation of Current Filaments in Photoconductive Semiconductor Switches K. Kambour, H. P. Hjalmarson, F. J. Zutavern and A. Mar Sandia National Laboratories* Charles W. Myles** Texas Tech University 15 th International IEEE Pulsed Power Conference June 16, 2005 * Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin company, for the United States Department of Energy under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000. ** Supported in part by an AFOSR MURI Contract

2 Outline  Photoconductive Semiconductor Switches (PCSS's)  Lock-on  Collective Impact Ionization Theory  Monte Carlo Calculations  Continuum Calculations  Conclusions


4 Lock-on  Characterized by a persistent or 'locked-on' electric field (~5 kV/cm) after laser turn off.  High conductivity state  Always accompanied by the formation of current filaments.  The lock-on field is much lower than the bulk breakdown field for GaAs.

5 Current Filaments

6 Bistable Switch

7 Carrier Distribution Function

8 Collective Impact Ionization Theory  Inside (high carrier density): the carrier-carrier scattering increases the efficiency of impact ionization for the hot carriers.  Outside (low carrier density): the electric field is too low to create carriers by impact ionization. Explains highly conductive filaments sustained by a lock-on field lower than the breakdown field.

9 Monte Carlo Calculations Determining the distribution function Ensemble Monte Carlo Maxwellian Calculating the rate of change of particle number

10 Evolution to a Steady State Solution (no carrier-carrier scattering )

11 Steady State Solution (no carrier-carrier scattering)

12 Evolution to Steady State Solutions (carrier-carrier scattering included)

13 Steady State Solutions (carrier-carrier scattering)

14 GaAs

15 Continuum Calculations

16 Continuum Results

17 V 0 (KV)  (sec) V LO (KV) 50030 501x10 -9 40 501x10 -10 no lock-on 501x10 -11 no lock-on 200040 2001x10 -11 60 Continuum Results

18 Conclusions  Collective Impact ionization Theory (CIIT) predicts that lock-on will occur in GaAs at a field much less than the intrinsic breakdown field in GaAs, in qualitative agreement with experiment.  CIIT also predicts that the lock-on field will be independent of rise time and that the lock-on current will flow in stable current filaments in agreement with experiment.

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