Kicking Goals For Players Wellbeing A community development project to support Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Rochester Community. Julie Bright: Mental.

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Presentation on theme: "Kicking Goals For Players Wellbeing A community development project to support Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Rochester Community. Julie Bright: Mental."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kicking Goals For Players Wellbeing A community development project to support Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Rochester Community. Julie Bright: Mental Health Carer Support Worker – Bendigo Health

2 Background: Bendigo Health Carer Support Services - Mental Health Program - funded by FaHCSIA in 2008. Program covers Loddon Mallee Region and provides individual direct support to carers and community development initiatives. The program has consulted with mental health carers through out the region Consultations have identified gaps in services which underpins our strategic planning for the region.

3 Gaps in Service Limited services for families where a young person is experiencing complex issues including. Family breakdown, school refusal, isolation from peers, drug and alcohol dependency, diagnosis of mental illness and disability. Multiple family issues including: family breakdown, intergenerational mental illness, domestic violence, grandparents looking after their grandchildren full time.

4 Gaps in Service Continued Workers and Carers identified that improving mental health wellbeing was vital for these families. Intervention needs to be accessed early to prevent family and mental health breakdown. Carers identified that if services such as schools, sporting clubs and local communities were able to recognise and respond to issues effecting young people, their mental health outcomes could be different

5 Aim To provide support, through development of a mentoring program. This includes individualised support to players and their families, at the Rochester Football/ Netball Club to enhance good mental health & wellbeing.


7 Objectives To provide support to players, including their parents & family members, who may be at risk of developing mental illness or dependent behaviour such as gambling, self harm, substance abuse etc. To support players at risk of isolation from their peers and the wider football community To support players at risk of disengaging from sport Promote positive social interaction & support players to engage in their community To support players to develop skills, strategies & confidence when transitioning into elite football or back to local league level. To improve the emotional wellbeing of all players. To promote the importance of ‘sport’ in local communities To provide educational opportunities to de-stigmatise mental health and risk dependent behaviours

8 Target Group Teams – Under 16’S, – Under 18’S, – Senior Playing group Players at risk of dependent behaviours and self harm The wider community e.g. parents, committee, members and netball teams

9 Expected Outcomes of mentoring program Build a stronger football/netball club Enhance leadership within the club Build a stronger Community Enhance players skills – physical, mental & psychological

10 Implementation: Approval Approached the Rochester Football/Netball Club – spoke with President, senior coach, football manager – to see if a mentoring program would be beneficial to the club. The program was discussed at committee level for approval Sourcing a Mentor Made contact with Bob Fletcher (perspective mentor) – CSS Mental Health Worker was aware that he was previously mentoring at TAC cup & AFL level. Bob agreed to come on board to support the players, as a mentor Obtained personal references for mentor Ensured all key stakeholders had ‘Working with Children’ checks Mentor commences with program - 2012 CSS Mental health worker and Gilbert Wanganeen Social & Emotional Wellbeing Worker Njernda Aboriginal met to discuss mentoring program to ensure it was inclusive of indigenous players. Gilbert has offered to be involved. CSS Mental Health Worker met with coaches & mentor to identify players at risk & possibly needing support Mentor engages with football community - attends games, communicates with identified players (including injured players) to establish rapport & trust

11 Expected Outcomes of mentoring program Build a stronger football/netball club Enhance leadership within the club Build a stronger Community Enhance players skills – physical, mental & psychological


13 GOALSACTIONSMEASURES Build Self-Efficacy ‘A persons’ belief about his or her ability & capacity to accomplish a task or to deal with the challenges of life’  Match ‘mentor’ with players to build a respectful & trusting relationship o Mentor creates a ‘presence’ around the game on game days o Mentor watches games o Contacts all injured players at time of injury & f/up contact o Individual phone calls to f/up on player well-being o Provide 1:1 support & group mentoring o Mentor works with players to set personal goals & strategies to improve their wellbeing  Provide education to players i.e.. self esteem, well-being, resilience, stress management and dealing with change  Increased attendance rate (willingness or interest in attending ) at training/games/club events & activities  Notable change in individual perspective/ or mindset – positive outlook & approach  Less anxiety, stress, enhanced ability to deal with change more effectively  Less likelihood of evidence of ‘depression’  Improved self-worth, self esteem  Enhanced skills & improved overall performance Promote positive Social Interaction & Connectedness  Include all players in all education sessions offered @ the club & encourage attendance in Thursday night dinners  Develop possible peer support via senior players mentoring other players  Feeling of belonging – ‘team player’  Commitment to the club, the sport & peers  Possible improvement in overall performance of a team Encourage Participation  Provide financial support to maintain as club member  Provide financial support for at risk players to attend games or training  Transport assistance (car pooling )  Regular attendance at games/training/club events & activities  Volunteering ? Provide Education  Mental Health First Aid offered to club members  Provide Safe Talk – Lifeline  Educate players & football community re: substance misuse through 1.5 hour education session  Less likelihood of, or decrease in, substance misuse  Improved body image & self worth  Better overall health, fitness & wellbeing  Increased knowledge of services for support? Build Community Awareness  Importance of ‘sport’ in community  To de-stigmatise mental health & risk dependent behaviour  Media promotion  Continue to develop & maintain relationships & partnerships with well- being coordinators, football club committee members, parents, families etc  Educate players & football community re: substance misuse through 1.5 hour education session  enhanced - club reputation  support & interest from community shown by possible increase in ‘crowd’ attendance & possible sponsorship/s  inclusive & supportive community living – individuals feel ‘safe’ & supported by their community

14 Outcomes AFL Mentor available for whole of 2012 football season Research project completed on elite players Mental Health First Aid to whole community Assist training for whole community Training session with Anthony Stevens (former AFL) player for all football, netball players and committee on mental health and wellbeing Drug and Alcohol training from ERH for Netball Players Successful funding for program from BH CSS, DH and SOC. Two new mentors joining the program for 2013 season Anecdotal young people at risk have re-engaged with club Raised awareness within the wider football community around mental health and wellbeing

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