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Introduction to Electricity Electrostatics Day 2.

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1 Introduction to Electricity Electrostatics Day 2

2 Curriculum Big Idea: All forces arise from the interactions between different objects. Concept: Forces may result from contact or action at a distance in the case of gravitational, electrostatic, or magnetic fields. PA Standard 3.2.12.B4: Describe conceptually the attractive and repulsive forces between objects relative to their charges and the distance between them.3.2.12.B4: Describe conceptually the attractive and repulsive forces between objects relative to their charges and the distance between them.

3 Today’s Agenda Opener: When you rub a balloon to your hair, it sticks to the wall. What can you conclude about the charge on the edge of the wall and the balloon? Group Demonstrations for electrostatics Teacher Demonstrations: Van De Graff Generator Bending Water Electroscope Tinsel Begin Chapter 32 Questions on Electrostatics Closure Question Closure: Take Home Assignment: Finish Chapter 32 Review Questions (pages 515-516)

4 Closure Question When a girl puts her hands on a Van De Graff Generator, her hair stands up. Explain why in terms of charge.

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