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Bible 101 Bible 101 – The Books of the Law Genesis In the Beginning…

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1 Bible 101 Bible 101 – The Books of the Law Genesis In the Beginning…

2 Bible 101 Noah Gen 6:8-10 Vs 8 – most important verse about Noah –Found grace (Khane - grace, favor, acceptance) –Praise God so did we. –God’s methods remain the same – Salvation is by the grace of God, thru faith. If there is anyone who displays faith MORE than Noah I don’t know them Vs. 9 – Intro to Noah (3 statements) –A just man Lawful, righteous correct – not sinless, not –Perfect in his generations – (more to do with his genome than his morality) w/o going into the whole fallen angel/ daughters of men, Nephilim thing again Paul says – All have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God (Rom 3:23) John says – He who says he is without sin is a liar and the truth is not in him (1 John 1:8) –Focus on the third statement - He walked with God Vs. 10 – we know Noah was 500 when Shem was born (5:32); we will see that he enters the ark when he is 600 (7:6,11) –Assume he was building the ark for about 100 years –100 years of ministry (preacher of righteousness – 2 pet 2:5) –100 years of ministry with no converts

3 Bible 101 God will destroy the earth Gen6:11-13 Notice God announces his judgment 4 times. –Vs. 5-7 – before we meet Noah –Here in Vs. 11-13 – before Noah gets the order to build an ark –Vs. 17–18 before God establishes his covenant with Noah. –7:4 – before Noah is told to enter the ark

4 Bible 101 God Speaks to Noah Gen 6:13-16 Vs. 13 This is a great verse… I doubt anyone underlines it –What is great about it? God Spoke to a man. The last recorded conversation was with Cain about 2000 yrs before vs. 13 Assume God told Enoch to name Methuselah –About 900 yrs before Noah – unrecorded The next conversations will be with Abram… Why did God speak to Noah? –Because they had a relationship (vs. 9) –There is a model here, if you want to hear from God, then walk with God. Abram is an exception to the model – God speaks to him before he knew him (get to that in chapter 12) –So many of us (Christians) are content to just be religious Sit and stand, and sing and fold our hands Give when the plate is passed Shake hands and smile – this is the extent of our dealings with God –God doesn’t desire this, He wants people who will walk with him Who will talk to Him and also listen Seek His guidance for our lives –Not just “Ok God do you want me to buy this car? Yes or no you have 10 seconds…” Hang out with Him –Meet with Adam in the Garden in the cool of the day – I think God misses that

5 Bible 101 God Speaks… Look at how Noah and God spoke in vs. 13 –Imagine if you heard that from God –Ok, no more grande super spicy burritos before bed The end of all flesh I will destroy them and the earth –Don’t get all distracted by the death and destruction part… look at the detail. God is sharing His heart with Noah God is sharing His plans with Noah WE are not used to hearing from God like this. –I think its because we lack the depth of relationship that Noah had with God. –I don’t want to build an ark I do want to hear God’s heart I do want to hear God’s plans for me and my family –Vs. 14 - I want to hear “make for yourself” –Vs. 15 – Here is how you shall do it

6 Bible 101 The command to build the ark Gen 6:14-16 Gopherwood –Possibly a resinous evergreen or cyprus like wood. –Scholars say this type of wood was used by this culture and that culture for this and that Noah knew what it was It wouldn’t surprise me if there was a huge forest of it in his backyard Covered with pitch –KJV - slime – –Heb word is the word we get bitumen from – tarry stuff in Asphalt Whatever it was, it waterproofed the boat –Don’t assume these people were cavemen, they lived 900+ years You can get awfully good at something when you apply yourself for 900 years –They had been on the earth for over 2000 years Look what we have figured out in the last 2000 years, in the last 150 years –I grew up in the 70s and 80s… life is very different –We have no idea what kind of technology was available to them Dimensions 450 ft. long – almost 2 football fields long 75 ft. wide – wider than a football field 45 ft. high – 4.5 stories high Roughly the size of a WWII aircraft carrier Hold more than 43,000 tons – equivalent 520 box cars Made by hand by someone who may have never seen a boat. –Spirit was active – wisdom, knowledge and ability. »Exodus God gave ability to two men to make the –Some speculate that Noah could have hired people to help… its an assumption that Noah and his sons alone built the ark »36000 days to do it. (before sick days and holidays) –Interesting facts is that modern day ship builders have tested boats with these dimensions and found that they are not only seaworthy, but also unsinkable.

7 Bible 101 God’s Covenant with Noah Gen 6:17-22 Vs 17-18 Covenant… what’s a covenant? –Deal or arrangement that God makes with man. Adamic – filling and ruling over the earth Noaic – protection/government –Picture of Salvation thru Christ Abrahamic – Land/promises Mosaic/National – Law Levitical - Priesthood Davidic – Kingdom, always having a man on the throne Messianic or New Covenant – Salvation thru Jesus Picture of Jesus –World was under Judgment wickedness, evil, corruption and violence – AKA sin –God provided a way of Salvation (one way), one doorway onto the ark Jesus said I am the WAY, the truth and the light. No man comes to the Father except through Me. –IF you enter the ark, you will be saved Personal choice –Ark Rested on the 17 th day of the 7 th month (8:4) Ex 12:2 – God changed the calendar; the 7 th month became 1 st month Passover was on the 14 th day of the 7 th month (Day Jesus Died on the cross) Jesus was resurrected on the Morning of the 17 th day of Nissan (3 days after Passover)

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