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Name:__________ warm-up 11-4 When 50 pounds of a compound are produced, the manufacturing cost is described by x – 2 and the selling price is described.

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Presentation on theme: "Name:__________ warm-up 11-4 When 50 pounds of a compound are produced, the manufacturing cost is described by x – 2 and the selling price is described."— Presentation transcript:

1 Name:__________ warm-up 11-4 When 50 pounds of a compound are produced, the manufacturing cost is described by x – 2 and the selling price is described by x 2 + 8x – 20. What is the ratio of the cost to the selling price when x = 50?


3 Details of the Day EQ: How do rational functions model real- world problems and their solutions? How are expressions involving rational expressions? I will be able to… Activities: Warm-up Review homework Notes: Class work/ HW Vocabulary:.. Multiply rational expressions. Divide rational expressions.

4 11-4 Multiplication and Division of Rational Expression Slope

5 A Quick Review When 50 pounds of a compound are produced, the manufacturing cost is described by x – 2 and the selling price is described by x 2 + 8x – 20. What is the ratio of the cost to the selling price when x = 50?

6 A Quick Review

7 Notes and examples A. Find B. Find

8 Notes and examples SPACE The velocity that a spacecraft must have in order to escape Earth’s gravitational pull is called the escape velocity. The escape velocity for a spacecraft leaving Earth is about 40,320 kilometers per hour. What is this speed in meters per second? A. FindB. Find

9 Notes and examples AVIATION The speed of sound, or Mach 1, is approximately 330 meters per second at sea level. What is the speed of sound in kilometers per hour?

10 Notes and examples

11 Find

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