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PKI deployment in the Aerospace Industry

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1 PKI deployment in the Aerospace Industry
ICAO WG-I Information Paper #3 Author: Patrick Patterson

2 History 1999 DCWG Starts defining PKI Policy for Air Transport Industry 2000 SITA Builds first Aerospace PKI 2004 ATA adopts DCWG Renamed DSWG Published CP in iSpec2200 (Chapter 5)‏ Individuals Devices Software Signing

3 History (cont.)‏ 2006 2007 CertiPath formed
ARINC SITA Exostar CP derived from US FBCA Policy and DSWG CP DSWG Starts work on Secure ACARS Identifying aircraft and ground stations 2007 CertiPath cross certifies with: US FBCA, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Northrop-Grumman, Raytheon, SITA Exostar and ARINC are derive directly from CertiPath root

4 Today: 2008 DSWG is the standard, CertiPath is an implementation
To Cross-Certify: EADS (Airbus)‏ US DoD UKMoD In Discussion: Honeywell Rockwell-Collins General Dynamics CA, FR, NL governments Approach to airlines being worked on DSWG is the standard, CertiPath is an implementation

5 What is using DSWG PKI Policy in Air Transport?
“Secure ACARS” final specification AEEC 823 Derived, in part from ICAO ATN SARPs “Gatelink” in progress specification AEEC 822 Field Loadable Software Boeing 787 and Airbus A380 Electronic 8130 Airworthiness Electronic Flight Bag Signed Flight Plans, Manifests, weather reports, maps, etc. Various Military programs ALL USING DSWG/CertiPath BASED PKI

6 What does this mean for ICAO?
There is an: Existing Deployed Functional Government recognised PKI for Aerospace and Air Transport use Communication protocols are already starting to use it AEEC 822 and 823 Problems with PKI are being solved Low Bandwidth Environment == ECC Revocation? == Short life certificates Key management? (still in progress)‏

7 Challenges It is important for there to be only one PKI standard for the industry Setting up a CA is expensive A cross-certified environment makes it less so. Unless we have convergence on a single policy, there will be no providers willing to set up those CAs Do we really want communications “protected” by a CA running from under someone's desk? Policy is as important as the technical deployment

8 What DSWG/CertiPath makes possible:
Single Policy for all aspects of an airlines operations Maintenance Flight Ops Supply Chain Management Reduced cost and complexity Single point of audit Single Certificate per use Single Trust anchor Multiple vendors ready today if the airline does not want to set up their own PKI

9 How does this work?

10 Questions?

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