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 Agenda  2/3—Edge pg 40, 41  2/4—Edge continue  2/5—Vocabulary L4  2/6—Finish story  2/7—SSR February 3 Super Bowl Champs Seahawks!!

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Presentation on theme: " Agenda  2/3—Edge pg 40, 41  2/4—Edge continue  2/5—Vocabulary L4  2/6—Finish story  2/7—SSR February 3 Super Bowl Champs Seahawks!!"— Presentation transcript:

1  Agenda  2/3—Edge pg 40, 41  2/4—Edge continue  2/5—Vocabulary L4  2/6—Finish story  2/7—SSR February 3 Super Bowl Champs Seahawks!!

2 Get Edge books.  Finish story  Answer questions at end of story.  Tomorrow….Vocab ulary L4 February 4 Super Bowl Champs Seahawks!!

3  Finish Vocabulary 4 today  Friday SSR and new Reading logs February 6 Super Bowl Champs Seattle Seahawks!! You can listen to music only if you are working!!!!

4  SSR  Reading Logs February 6 Super Bowl Champs Seattle Seahawks!! Due Monday: Vocabulary 4

5  Agenda  2/10—Vocabulary 4 due, go over answers with a partner; Edge page 51-56  2/11—PB worksheet 25-30  2/12—Vocabulary 5  2/13—Correct PB worksheet 25-30  2/14—SSR, RL #2 February 10 Super Bowl Champs Seattle Seahawks!! Due Today: Vocabulary 4

6  Vocabulary 4 due,  go over answers with a partner, turn in  Edge page 51—Read February 10 Super Bowl Champs Seattle Seahawks!! Due Today: Vocabulary 4

7  Edge page 51—Read  PB worksheet 25-30 February 11 Super Bowl Champs Seattle Seahawks!! Due Today: Vocabulary 4

8  Vocabulary 5 February 12 Super Bowl Champs Seattle Seahawks!! Due Today: Vocabulary 4

9  Finish PB worksheet 25-30  Correct February 13 Super Bowl Champs Seattle Seahawks!! Due Today: Vocabulary 4

10  Agenda  2/19—Vocabulary 5 due, go over answers with a partner; Correct as a class; Begin Vocabulary 6  2/20—Edge Page 57 all  2/21—SSR, RL #3 February 19 Super Bowl Champs Seattle Seahawks!! Due Today: Vocabulary 5

11  Due: Vocabulary 5  Begin Vocabulary 6 February 19 Super Bowl Champs Seattle Seahawks!! Due Today: Vocabulary 5

12  Edge Page 57 All February 20 Super Bowl Champs Seattle Seahawks!!

13  SSR  Reading Log #3 February 21 Super Bowl Champs Seattle Seahawks!! Due Monday: Vocabulary 6; Correct Edge Page 57

14  Agenda  2/24—Vocabulary 6 due  2/25—Finish and correct Edge Page 57 all  2/26—Vocabulary Assessment L4-6  2/27—Cluster 2 Assessment  2/28—SSR, RL #4 February 24 Super Bowl Champs Seattle Seahawks!! Due Today: Vocabulary 6

15  Due: Vocabulary 6— Correct with partner, correct as class  Work on Page 57 February 24 Super Bowl Champs Seattle Seahawks!! Tomorrow: Finish and Correct page 57

16  Benchmark Vocabulary Assessment (5 to 10 minutes)  Work on Page 57 February 25 Super Bowl Champs Seattle Seahawks!! Today: Finish and Correct page 57 Tomorrow: Assessment Vocabulary L 4-6

17  Vocabulary Assessment L 4-6  Workday February 26 Super Bowl Champs Seattle Seahawks!! Today: Vocabulary Assessment L4-6 Tomorrow: Cluster 2 assessment

18  Finish Page 57  Cluster 2 Assessment  Done ? Listen to music, finish missing or incomplete assignments, play video games on comp, read February 27 Super Bowl Champs Seattle Seahawks!!

19  SSR  Reading log #4 February 28 Super Bowl Champs Seattle Seahawks!! Monday…Correct Vocab. Assessment L 4-6 and work day

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