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From where can we get information? News Media List some newspapers at home and abroad.

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2 From where can we get information? News Media

3 List some newspapers at home and abroad.

4 How many sections are there in a newspaper? Local news International news BusinessEntertainment Advertisement … How many different jobs do newspapers have? reporter editor designer painter printer photographer critic…

5 reporter/journalist photographer editor printer

6 What different kinds of jobs do they do ? jobs reporter editor designer printer photographer Interviews people or finds out about events from onlookers Takes photographs of important people or events Prints the newspaper Makes sure the writing is clear, concise and accurate; checks facts Lays out the articles and photographs

7 My First Work Assignment “Unforgettable,” says new journalist Reading

8 Fast reading Where did the conversation happen? At the office of a popular English newspaper. Who were talking? Zhou Yang and his new boss Hu Xin. What does the reading passage mainly talk about? This is about Zhou Yang’s first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper and his discussion with his new boss, Hu Xin.

9 True or False As a freshman, you can go out on a story right away. You have to take a camera with you all the time. To be curious is very important to a reporter. In order to be a successful reporter we should be able to judge whether the information is true or not. Listening is more important than asking questions. There’s no need to take notes if we have a recorder.

10 Questions What should a new reporter do as a green hand? What does a news reporter need to remember when going to cover a story? What’s the purpose of writing the passage?

11 Things a reporter need to keep in mind when going to cover a story Dos to be curious ask questions learn to listen have a nose for a story take notes (with a recorder if possible) do research Don’ts Don’t miss deadline Don’t be rude Don’t talk too much

12 What’s he purpose of writing the passage? 1) It shows us the skills necessary to become a good reporter. 2) It wants to show how to conduct a good interview.

13 cover a story have a “nose” for a story This is a trick of the trade get the facts straight get the wrong end of the stick This is how the story goes a real “scoop” to make sure that the story is accurate not to understand properly To report on an important event this is the story a piece of hot news clever ways known to experts be able to tell whether it is a true story idiomatic expressions 认清事实 完全误解,弄错 采访,报道 事情的经过就是这样的 独家新闻 对 …… 有敏锐的 “ 嗅 / 直觉 ” 这就是行业的诀窍

14 Imply what qualities Zhou Yang has according to the conversation. Can I go out on a story immediately? What do I need to remember when I go out to cover a story? What mistakes must I avoid? Perhaps I too will get a scoop. He is very enthusiastic, modest, eager to learn. He has high expectations for the job. Implication

15 Summar y To the reporters, it’s __________ for them to take a camera because they have ____________________ with them. The reporters should be ______ and they must have a ____ for a story.They know how to ______ the information they need. While interviewing, they won’t _______, they won’t ____________ themselves, and they __________________ carefully. They will listen to the _______ facts and ask new questions. This is a trick of the ____, that is, with the permission of the interviewer, they would use _________ which could keep the evidence to help ______ their story. unnecessary professional photographers curious nose acquire be rude talk too much listen to the answers detailed a recorder support trade


17 Reporters’ Duties A reporter’s duties are: 1) _______________________ 2) _______________________ 3) _______________________ Discussion In your opinion, what are the responsibilities of mass media? to work in a team how to get an accurate story how to protect a story from accusations

18 A scoop is an exciting or important news story that one news organization publishes or broadcasts before anyone else.

19 Skimming What was Zhou Yang’s first task? His first task was to write a famous film star story. How many people read his article before it was ready to be processed into the film negative? Who were they? Five people. They are a senior editor ( 编审 ) from his department, the copy-editor ( 技术编辑 ), the native speaker, the chief editor ( 主编 ) and the news desk editor ( 新闻文字编辑 ). What’s the main idea of the text? It introduces the process of writing and printing for a newspaper article.

20 The writing and printing process of an article. The article is given to a native speaker to check the use of English and improve the style. The article is checked/ approved by the chief editor. The first edition of the newspaper is printed. All the stories and photos are set and the color negatives for the printing are made ready. You go to an interview to get the information for your story. You do some research to see if the story is true or not. You begin to write the story using notes from the interview. You give the article to a senior editor to check and a copy-editor to do editing. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

21 新闻报道的要素 1. 新闻素材往往来自采访、阅读和观察。 2. 提供事件发生的事实,而不是观点。 3. 侧重说明事件的人物、时间、地点、过程 及起因。 4. 标题引人注目。 5. 用导语开篇,以概括报道的主要内容。 6. 正文补充细节详情,最重要的内容放在最 前面,次重要的内容放在后面。

22 新闻报道 1. 确定标题。 2. 主题段点出五要素:人物、事件、时 间、地点和起因。 3. 正文以重要程度为序,提供更详细的 报道。

23 ZHENGZHOU — Ten people, including eight preschoolers, were injured after a schoolbus crashed into a truck in Central China’s Henan province Tuesday, according to local publicity officials. The accident occurred at about 3:30 pm on a section of the No 106 national highway that goes through Puyang county, sources with the Puyang publicity department said. A schoolbus from the Little Harvard Kindergarten in the township of Bagongqiao was carrying 15 children, a teacher and a driver when it ran into the truck. Four children were seriously injured, while the teacher, the driver and four other children suffered minor wounds, according to the sources. Local firefighters rushed to the site immediately after the accident. The bus was seriously damaged, according to the firefighters. The driver of the bus has been detained for questioning. 8 children injured in schoolbus crash in C China

24 The driver of the bus has been detained for questioning. An initial investigation showed that wet and slippery roads might have caused the accident. Several parts of Henan province have been hit by rain and snow since Monday. Puyang county, where the accident took place, was battered by small bursts of hail and snow on Tuesday. The accident came shortly after a schoolbus collision that killed 19 preschoolers sparked a nationwide outcry over school transportation safety. A nine-seat minivan that was being used as a bus crashed head-on with a truck two weeks ago in Northwest China’s Gansu province, killing 21 people, including 19 preschoolers. The mini-van was overloaded with 64 people when the accident happened.

25 Listening & speaking P31 Why does Zhou Yang want to interview Liu Ming? He wants to interview him about his decision to go abroad and work. What are his fans worried about? His fans are worried that they will not see him in the flesh. When is Liu Ming going to talk to Zhou Yang? Liu Ming will talk to Zhou Yang tomorrow at 12 o’clock. What is Liu Ming’s intention at the moment? Liu Ming’s intention is to learn more about tennis and return to China.

26 Workbook (P66) Ex. 3 Fill in the report form

27 Report Form Name of officer: Li DaDate: 12/05/2008 What happened?Where was it? Who started it? Beijing, China Fight broke out between fans supporting the two teams When the police arrived it was impossible to tell. There was an eyewitness.

28 Eyewitness account? Evidence: Fred Smith’s eyewitness account and his photographs Fred Smith says he saw the Turkish supporters throw bottles at the British supporters first. Then it developed into a serious fight with everyone involved.

29 Conclusion: Reason: Signed: Fred Smith’s photographs support his idea that the Turkish fans started the fight. Li Da It was started by the Turkish supporters. The British fans were not in the wrong.

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