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May 2006CLINT-CS Verbmobil1 CLINT-CS Dialogue II Verbmobil.

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1 May 2006CLINT-CS Verbmobil1 CLINT-CS Dialogue II Verbmobil

2 May 2006CLINT-CS Verbmobil2 Verbmobil Verbmobil is a spoken dialogue system that provides phone users with simultaneous dialogue interpretation services for restricted topics. Recognises spoken input, translates it, and then utters the translation. Three languages: German, English and Japanese

3 May 2006CLINT-CS Verbmobil3 Challenges for S and L Technology Input Conditions NaturalnessAdaptabilityDialogue Capabilities Close speaking, PTT Isolated wordsSpeaker dependent Monologue dictation Telephone, pause based segmentation Read continuous speech Speaker independent Information seeking dialogue Open microphone, GSM quality Spontaneous speech Speaker adaptive Multiparty negotiation Increasing difficulty

4 May 2006CLINT-CS Verbmobil4 Grand Challenges Not a push-to-talk system. Has to decide for itself when user input is complete. Spontaneous speech including disfluencies and repair phenomena. Speaker adaptive. Mixed initiative dialogue Three different domains of discourse

5 May 2006CLINT-CS Verbmobil5 Domains Scenario 1 Appointment Scheduling Scenario 2 Travel Planning Scenario 3 Remote PC Maintenance When? Focus on temporal expressions Vocabulary 2.5-6K When? Where? How? Focus on Temporal and spatial expresssions Vocabulary 7-10K What? When? Wherer? How? Focus on integration of special sublanguage lexica Vocabulary 15-30K

6 May 2006CLINT-CS Verbmobil6 Data Collection Transliterated speech data Segmented speech with prosodic labels Dialogues annotated with dialogue acts Treebanks & predicate argument structures Aligned bilingual Corpora A signficant programme of data collection was performed To extract statistical properties of different kinds of data

7 May 2006CLINT-CS Verbmobil7 Speech Data Multi channel recording –close-speaking microphone –room microphone –various telephones Speech recognisers trained on data sets of different audio quality

8 May 2006CLINT-CS Verbmobil8 Multi Level Data Annotation Speech Data –Transliteration –Orthography –Pronunciation –Phonological Segmentation –Word Segmentation –Prosodic Segmentation Non Speech –Dialogue Acts –Treebanks

9 May 2006CLINT-CS Verbmobil9 Statistical Models Data used to train different statistical models using Machine Learning. Models include –Neural Networks –Probabilistic Automata (HMMs for speech) –Probabilistic CFGs (robust parsing) –Probabilistic Transfer Rules

10 May 2006CLINT-CS Verbmobil10

11 May 2006CLINT-CS Verbmobil11 Architecture Different input devices (microphone, telephone, mobile, internet) Multilingual speech recognition (EN, DE, JP) including prosodic analysis Parsing Multi-level translation Multi-lingual generation

12 May 2006CLINT-CS Verbmobil12 Multi Engine Parsing Architecture Three different parsing models are employed –Probabilistic LR Parser –Robust Chunk Parsing –HPSG Chart Parser All parsing models produce trees that are tranformed into the same multistratal representation called VIT (Verbmobil Interface Terms) This facilitates integration of partial results from the different parsing models

13 May 2006CLINT-CS Verbmobil13 Translation Models Substring Based Template Based Dialogue Act Based

14 May 2006CLINT-CS Verbmobil14 Substring Based Translation Starts with the best sentence hypothesis of the speech recogniser Uses prosodic information to determine phrase boundaries and sentence mode Machine Learning methods applied to a sentence-aligned bilingual corpus The output of this module is a sequence of words in the target language together with a confidence measure that is used for selecting the best translation.

15 May 2006CLINT-CS Verbmobil15 Template Based Translation Based on 30K translation templates learned from a sentence-aligned corpus T i = (T i s,T i t ){x 1,..,x n } 3 phases: –SL Template matching –Subphrase Translation –TL utterance generation

16 May 2006CLINT-CS Verbmobil16 Template Translation Results WL Best Hypothesis All Word Lattice Perfect Translation47%67% Approx. Correct16%6% Bad Translation15%5% No Translation22%

17 May 2006CLINT-CS Verbmobil17 Multi Engine Translation Segment 1 If you prefer another hotel Segment 2 please let me know case based translation substring based translation selection module statistical translation dialogue based translation semantic transfer Segment 1 Semantic Xfer Segment 2 CBT

18 May 2006CLINT-CS Verbmobil18 Dialogue Act Based Translation Meaning based translation Statistical classification of 19 dialogue acts. Extraction of propositional content using finite state transducers. Content built from an ontology covering appointment scheduling and travel planning tasks. Template based approach to generation of target language from content.

19 May 2006CLINT-CS Verbmobil19 Part of Ontology for Propositional Content top object situation quality agent location event action abstract concrete move-by-rail move-by-plane move by public transport journey move stay show meeting

20 May 2006CLINT-CS Verbmobil20 Dialogue Act Hierarchy deliberate thank introduce bye greet control dialogue promote task manage task Dialogue Act request suggest request clarify request comment request commit digress exclude clarify justify request suggest inform feedback commit offer init defer close

21 May 2006CLINT-CS Verbmobil21 Dialogue –Based Translation: Transfer Component rules Semantic Representation Source Language VIT Semantic Representation Target Language VIT Dialogue and context evaluation GENERATION

22 May 2006CLINT-CS Verbmobil22 Prosody Input –Speech signal –Word Hypothesis Graph (WHG) Output –annotated WHG including, per word –duration, pitch, energy, pause info Used to classify phrase and clause boudaries, accented words, and sentence mood.

23 May 2006CLINT-CS Verbmobil23 Prosody – Sentence Mood row? mor You are coming to You are coming to mor ro w. time pitch

24 May 2006CLINT-CS Verbmobil24 Use of Prosodic Information Prosodic information is used systematically at all processing stages Prosodic difference can lead to different translation… wir haben noch (we still have vs. we have another)

25 May 2006CLINT-CS Verbmobil25 Multi Blackboard Architecture Final system comprises 69 highly interactive modules. No direct communication between modules. Communication is handled by 198 blackboards. Shared representation structures A module typically subscribes to several blackboards.

26 May 2006CLINT-CS Verbmobil26 Blackboards & Modules command recogniser generation robust dialogue semantics semantic construction spontaneous speech recogniser speaker adaptation prosodic analysis chunk parser HPSG parser semantic transfer statisstical parser dialogue act recognition Audio Data WHG with prosodic labels VIT discourse representation

27 May 2006CLINT-CS Verbmobil27 Multi Engine Approach statistical parser chunk parser HPSG parser robust dialogue semantic KBased reconstruction complete and spanning VIT chart containing partial VITs Augmented WHG

28 May 2006CLINT-CS Verbmobil28 Achievements 3 language pairs, three domains and a vocalbulary size of over 100K word forms Average processing time 4x original signal duration Word recognition rate of 75% for spontaneous speech 80% approximately correct translations 90% success rate for dialogue tasks in end- to-end evaluation

29 May 2006CLINT-CS Verbmobil29 Conclusion Speech to speech translation of spontaneous dialogues can only be cracked by combining deep and shallow processing The final architecture maximises the necessary interaction between processing modules Software engineering considerations must be taken seriously in such a project.

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