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Communicating the LHC James Gillies, CERN 29 September 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Communicating the LHC James Gillies, CERN 29 September 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communicating the LHC James Gillies, CERN 29 September 2008

2 2004

3 PR01.04 01.03.2004 Dans son année de jubilé, le CERN concentre ses efforts sur le grand collisionneur de hadrons (LHC) qui sera l'instrument scientifique le plus grand et le plus complexe au monde quand il sera mis en service en 2007.

4 2005

5 Communicating the LHC … the view from CERN James Gillies, 29 November 2005

6 CERN’s communication landscape CERN’s Communication landscape Communication group Education group IT communications team Four Experiments 20 member states 85 nationalities Six observer states 500 institutions EPPOGInterAction ILC

7 Singing in harmony

8 LHC communications three year plan Goal: to gain maximum benefit in terms of public image for CERN and particle physics through the unique communications opportunity presented by the start-up of the LHC in 2007, and first results coming in some months later. Audiences: the general public; the physics community; S&T decision makers; industry; the CERN community; schools. Messages: research and discovery; technology; training; collaboration.

9 2006 - Coordination, raising awareness, media monitoring, preparation of communications tools, last chance to see…2006 - Coordination, raising awareness, media monitoring, preparation of communications tools, last chance to see… 2007 - Open day, Start-up, inauguration2007 - Open day, Start-up, inauguration 2008 - First results2008 - First results LHC communications three year plan

10 Addressing the fear factor

11 Angels and Demons People are (mostly) rational Web site visits up by a factor of 10 Most visitors motivated by curiosity

12 2006

13 Methodology Formative evaluation Be open… communicate the development as well as the results. Avoid using the words ‘physics’ and ‘particle physics’ in titles or early in communications. Avoid confusion - LHC, ALICE, ATLAS, CMS, LHCb… People assume that scientists already know about matter, mass and how gravity works. Focus on the ‘origins of the universe’, ‘what happened immediately after the Big Bang’, ‘world’s biggest experiment’. “I think it’s fantastic. Why wouldn’t we want to know where we’ve come from and why we’re here?”

14 Brand image… a Graphic Charter for CERN A reference document that contains the fundamental rules for the use of the graphical elements that constitute the visual identity of Organization, a project or an enterprise. Objectives: Recognition Uniformity Economy

15 New public web site

16 Announcement coordination Protocols under discussion with experiments, LHC, DG for… Start-up Results Bad news Announcements from elsewhere Press release coordination implemented with partner institutes

17 2007

18 Methodology Startup events 5-6 April. open days On or after 21 May. Media event 21 October. Official inauguration

19 Methodology Open day 2008 Planning for >30000 people Meyrin site for all comers LHC access points for local communities

20 Evolution of media visits 2002-2007 2007 to end August: 1040 people for 385 media CERN record year 2000: 1098 people for 383 media

21 Methodology The world is watching. We have to provide a media event for start-up

22 Media training: golden rules… Remember that the correspondent is the expert. Don’t say anything you don’t want to see in print, online or on air. Have faith - you believe in what you do, you have nothing to hide. Never repeat a negative, even to deny it. Prepare your message - you will always be able to get it across. Never feel ashamed to say ‘I don’t know’- refer people to the press office. Never invent Prepare… Be concise, don’t worry about silences. It’s the journalist’s job to fill the gaps, not yours Prepare!

23 Methodology Proposed media event - pending approval of DG Only possible event: first injection of beam to LHC

24 Methodology Proposed media event Locations: CERN Control centre Globe of science and innovation

25 Methodology Proposed media event Cameras in the Globe would relay images to the Globe (and the world) Bi-lingual presenter would be in the CCC Satellite link available Live LHC console in the Globe Media ‘pilots’ available in the Globe for all nations whose media attend Possible visits to experiments control rooms and CCC during the day Regular updates to be sent to media for the following weeks until first 7TeV collisions

26 Methodology European particle physics communication network At a special session in Lisbon on 14 July 2006, the CERN Council unanimously approved a European Strategy for Particle Physics. Communication is integral to this strategy, which states: "Council will establish a network of closely cooperating professional communication officers from each Member State, which would incorporate existing activities, propose, implement and monitor a European particle physics communication and education strategy, and report on a regular basis to Council."

27 Methodology

28 2008

29 Methodology Before…

30 Methodology After… “My mum tells me that her taxi driver in Pari was talking excitedly to her about the start-up yesterday. I’ve always thought that reaching out to taxi drivers is the litmus test of good science communications. You and your team have passed the test with flying colours! Thanks again for including me in the event. I felt very much like I’d been given a front row seat at the Olympics opening ceremony – except it was far more spectacular and unique!” – François Grey “The start-up has been a success story here, covered by every media, all TV channels, radio and new papers. Our scientists and directors are very pleased with the media work done. A long lasting media process as this was new to me, as well as the European back up and cooperation. A very nice experience, which has given me a lot.” – Minna Meriläinen

31 Methodology What happened to communicate First beam? At CERN 300 journalists and support staff on site (260 accredited and in media centre). Eurovision live satellite feed from 9:00-18:00 plus webcast. Images from CCC relayed to media centre (Globe) & auditoria around the site Visit schedules for journalists to go to experiments. control rooms. TV media visits to CCC upstairs conference room. Elsewhere Parallel events in several member states. Many other events outside member states, including pyjama party at Fermilab. LHC first beam information at Geneva airport.

32 Methodology

33 Inside the Globe Upstairs: Big screen Operator console (LHC & experiments) Experts on hand ISDN lines Wi-fi Stand-up position for TV Press office staff on hand (armband) Downstairs: Workspace Internet access, cable & wi-fi Printers Telephones ISDN lines A/V feeds for TV Food and drink!

34 Methodology Outside the Globe Eurovision OB truck 5 stand-up positions Departure point for control room visits

35 Methodology Visit schedules For all media. Media have signed up for visits to experiments Lists will be sent to experiments Visits from 10:30 – 18:10 For TV media. Places assigned Visits to CCC from 8:30 to 18:30

36 Methodology Some statistics From Eurovision 450 broadcasters 2500 transmissions 91 stand-ups Audience in hundreds of millions From CERN 260 accredited journalists 40 TV stations > 40 non accredited

37 Methodology Open communication through the repairs First collisions Continued black holes and other fictions Results What’s next ?

38 Methodology Thanks for listening!

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