Master of Science Speech-Language Pathology Inclusive of SLP Services Credential Credential Finishing Information Spring 2015.

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1 Master of Science Speech-Language Pathology Inclusive of SLP Services Credential Credential Finishing Information Spring 2015

2 STUDENT SERVICES CENTER University Hall, Room 221 (760) 750-4277 Office Hours: Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. *Drop Box also located outside of our office area

3 Please return your credential application packet to: Student Services Center School of Education Cal State San Marcos University Hall, Room 221 San Marcos, CA 92096-0001

4 CREDENTIAL APPLICATION PACKET TO BE RETURNED TO EDUCATION SERVICES CENTER: Credential Evaluation Application Credential Recommendation Fee of $25.00 – Follow separate fee submission guidelines on-line

5 CREDENTIAL APPLICATION PACKET Packets will be evaluated in date order. After your packet has been evaluated, you will be emailed an evaluation checklist that makes note of any missing items that are necessary in order to complete your credential recommendation. Once all outstanding items have been received, the recommendation will be made to the State.

6 CREDENTIAL APPLICATION PROCESS Mandatory electronic submission is required by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) Electronic recommendations will begin when grades and MA degree have been OFFICIALLY posted

7 CREDENTIAL APPLICATION PROCESS Step 1   Complete and submit the credential application and recommendation fee. Step 2   Your file is reviewed to make sure all requirements have been met.   After final grades are posted in early June, and we verify that you have successfully completed all requirements and course work, and your MA degree has been officially posted, CSUSM recommends you for a credential via CTC website.   All applications will be processed on a date-order basis.

8 CREDENTIAL APPLICATION PROCESS Step 3   CTC will email you a notification of recommendation for your credential. This email will provide a link that instructs you to complete your credential application process.   You will also pay fees. Payment by MasterCard, VISA, debit/credit card, or a one-time credit card (available at most grocery stores) is the only option for payment of the on-line recommendation.   The fee is $72.50 or less if you have a credit on file with the state. Credential fees are subject to change without notice.

9 CREDENTIAL APPLICATION PROCESS Step 4   CTC notifies the student and CSUSM via email that all fees have been paid and student will be issued a credential.   CTC issues notification of credential issuance via email. This email serves as the Verification (C-19) Letter.

10 Credential Verification Your Credential is issued by CTC on-line ONLY; a paper document is no longer issued. You may verify issuance of your credential at: Click on the Dark Blue Box that says “Online Services for Educators.” On the page that opens, click on the LARGE dark blue rectangle box that says “EDUCATOR PAGE.” The page that opens will ask for SSN and DoB. Follow “next” prompts on following pages to see your credential information.

11 CHANGE TO CONTACT INFORMATION  It is important to notify CSUSM Enrollment Services, School of Education-Education Student Services, and CTC, if you change your mailing address or your email address. notify CSUSM Enrollment Services, School of Education-Education Student Services, and CTC, if you change your mailing address or your email address.

12 Please Pay Me! When you receive document verification, don’t forget to register your credential in the county of employment!  San Diego County:   Credentials Division   San Diego County Office of Educ   6401 Linda Vista Road, #404A   San Diego, CA 92111   (858) 292-3581  San Diego Unified School District:   Personnel Administration   San Diego Unified School District   4100 Normal Street   San Diego, CA 92103   (619) 293-8150  Riverside County:   Credentials & Certification Services   Riverside County Office of Educ   P. O. Box 868   Riverside, CA 92502-0868   (951) 788-6669  Orange County:   Credentials Division   Orange County Department of Educ   200 Kalmus Drive   Costa Mesa, CA 92628-9050   (714) 966-4236

13 IMPORTANT DATES AND INFORMATION These dates will be helpful when completing resumes and job applications: Credential Effective Date: May 21 st, 2015 Credential Expiration Date: June 1 st, 2017


15 Credential Path (Diagram) Preliminary Credential (Valid for 2 Years) State approved credential program Apply through university Fee payment Clear Credential Praxis II Clinical Fellowship Year (CFY) Credential Renewal application at Fee Payment

16 Preliminary Credential to Clear Credential Preliminary Credential   Preliminary Credential is valid for 2 years   Credential holder must complete a Commission approved program Clear Credential   Praxis II: Passing score of 600 on speech language pathology test code 0330; offered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS)   Scores sent to CTC, ASHA, CSUSM   Clinical Fellowship Year (CFY) equivalent to 36 weeks (9 months) clinical experience   Visit the ASHA web page for the verification form   Apply directly to CTC for the clear credential

17 Commencement Ceremony   Spring 2015 Commencement Ceremony, May 15 th and 16 th, 2015   The deadline to apply to graduate was March 15 th, 2015. If you have not applied, please contact Cougar Central. You are responsible for checking the website for graduation information:  

18 THE END Spring Semester 2015

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