Automobile Loans 9 th Grade Business Automobile Automobiles are typically purchased with cash or loan/ credit Auto loan-borrowed money to purchase an.

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2 Automobile Loans 9 th Grade Business

3 Automobile Automobiles are typically purchased with cash or loan/ credit Auto loan-borrowed money to purchase an automobile Lender- financial institution who offers loans to consumers Credit rating- evaluation of one’s credit history

4 Cosigner Cosigner- person that is equally responsible for the auto loan o It the borrower defaults on the auto loan, the co-signer will be required to pay o Parents usually co-sign for their children

5 Secured Loan Secured loan- requires a cosigner or collateral o If a loan has collateral, the lender has security interest in the property pledged as collateral o Automobile loans are secured because the automobile is the collateral o If the auto loan is not paid, the lender has the right to seize the collateral by repossession or retrieving the property

6 Lenders Credit unions Savings and loans Commercial banks Auto dealers

7 Lenders Borrowers usually pay lower APRs when their loans are approved through credit unions Borrowers have the option to finance the car from auto dealers but may not receive a good auto loan deal

8 Variables of Loan Down payment o Amount of money being paid for the automobile at the time of purchase Negotiated price o The price being paid for the automobile agreed upon by the seller and the buyer

9 Variables of a Loan Principal Loan Amount o Amount of the loan for the automobile after subtracting the down payment and/or trade-in from the negotiated price o Does not include interest and fees that may apply Trade-in o Amount of money received from trading in an automobile Subtracted from the negotiated price of the automobile

10 Variables Time period o Amount of time the loan will be repaid o Expressed in months APR o Measures the cost of credit on a yearly basis expressed as a percentage

11 More Variables Total purchasing cost o Down payment, trade-in, loan amount Total cost of the loan o Total of principal loan amount, interest, and other fees

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