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Mika Waris Towards Better Practices in Innovation Process - IdeaPilot - IdeaPilot Mika Waris WIPO-Italy International Convention on Intellectual Property.

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Presentation on theme: "Mika Waris Towards Better Practices in Innovation Process - IdeaPilot - IdeaPilot Mika Waris WIPO-Italy International Convention on Intellectual Property."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mika Waris Towards Better Practices in Innovation Process - IdeaPilot - IdeaPilot Mika Waris WIPO-Italy International Convention on Intellectual Property and Competitiveness of Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs), Rome, Italy, December 10 and 11, 2009

2 Mika Waris 1.The IP-system and the Innovation Process 2.The Patent System and some findings 3.The Objectives and the Strategy of IdeaPilot Presentation

3 Mika Waris The essential part of innovation environment is the IP-system Innovation- friendly environment Ideas, entrepreneurship Employment Productive business, competitiveness, growth - financing - support services - environment of know-how - network of expertise - IP-system - information sources - ways of protection IdeaPilot Enterprise Finland Enterprise Europe Network INTEGRATION Innovation environment

4 Mika Waris idea product/service market entrpreneurship R & D commercialization technical information formal protection competitor information environment IP-system means to empowermarketing tool for product development necessity for networking means to control the business informal protection

5 Mika Waris Lähde: Innovation process NPD = New Product Development TSG = Technology Stage Gate Conceptplanning Production Detailedplanning Marketing Aftersales Fuzzy-front-end

6 Mika Waris The patent system The patent system is an information dissemination system; it exists for the purpose of promoting the technological progress The essential thing in the pursuit of this goal is the new technical information disclosed in patent publications. IP as a Business Tool The idea of the system is to stimulate R & D

7 Mika Waris To get a patent: The invention must be novel industrially applicable involve an inventive step IP as a Business Tool

8 Mika Waris Patent information based on patent publications detailed descriptions of technical solutions more than 60 000 000 publications the largest source of technical information in the world grows rapidly 80 – 90 % of the information is not found in any other source IP as a Business Tool

9 Mika Waris Granted

10 Mika Waris 11 775 23 % withdrawn 33,2 % lack of novelty 89,6 % existing state-of-art 10,4 % no state-of-art Applications 11 775 Granted patents 5 144 (43,7 %) Domestic patent applications 2000 - 2005 4 609 kpl 537 kpl IP Landscape

11 Mika Waris Conclusions 1) Insufficient use of relevant information 2) Inadequate understanding of Intellectual Asset Management 3) Solution: By developing relevant information services and service providers Remarkable improvement effects are expected to company, branch and macro level performance of industries In particular, the improvement of competitiveness of SMEs is expected

12 Mika Waris Finnish National IPR-strategy These conclusions led to remarkable contributions in

13 Mika Waris The Objectives of IdeaPilot: IP as a Business Tool To create good practices for bringing IP-system and it´s services to use for SME´s

14 Mika Waris 1.Embedding IP-matters to everyday business planning for SMEs 2.Integrating IP-services to Public Business Services The strategy of IdeaPilot: IP as a Business Tool

15 Mika Waris FEED-BACK DEVELOPMENT New Business Literacy = Intellectual Asset Management IDEA Technical development Commercialization, marketing Screening State-of-art Search for technical solution Technology surveys Competitor survey Freedom to operate Partners search Patent, design, trade mark Licencing Novelty search Opposition search Control strategy Trade secrets Copyrights Informal protection MARKET MOB- decisions Competitor follow-up IMPLEMENTATION EMBEDDING IP-MATTERS TO BUSINESS IdeaPilot

16 Mika Waris 1) Training Programme: INTEGRATION TO PUBLIC SERVICES Intermediaries Public Business Advisors Private Business Consultants 2) Building new profession: information service providers NBPR VTT Start-ups. SMEs Information Service Providers Public Business Advisors Private Business Consultants Quality control, licensing PUBLIC-PRIVATE-PARTNERSHIP IdeaPilot

17 Mika Waris R&D in ROW 99,3 % 0,7 % R&D in Finland Closed Innovation vs. Open Innovation Open Innovation competitor? partner?

18 Mika Waris New Business Literacy Intellectual Asset Management

19 Mika Waris Thank you!

20 Mika Waris IPeuropAware

21 Mika Waris Introduction/ IPeuropAware IPeuropAware is the main project in the IP field funded by the EC. Duration Nov 2007 – Nov 2010. Budget 7,7 M The general approach should be flexible and open, allowing a fluid interaction with the Commission services. This could mean the organisation of additional activities or adapting of the proposed activities in response to EC recommendations

22 Mika Waris Participants/IPeuropAware 19 National Patent Offices including Finland 4 reputable research organisations with broad experience in this kind of project (University of Alicante, Centre de Recherche Public Henri Tudor, Estonian Patent Library and Institute Européene Enterprise et Propiété Intellectuelle) 1 Innovation Agency (Innolux) specialised in the IP field 1 Textile Technology Centre (CETEMMSA) with wide experience in analysis of sectoral issues, and a specific interest in IP 1 Non-profit trade organisation, dedicated to the promotion of the European textile and apparel industry (EURATEX)

23 Mika Waris Objectives/IPeuropAware To significantly raise SMEs interest and knowledge about Intellectual Property issues To raise SMEs understanding of the need to integrate IP in their innovation strategies and their business planning To improve the protection of SMEs IP rights and also internationally and increase the use of non-registered protection methods through their effective promotion To improve protection and enforcement by SMEs of their IP rights from infringement whether this originates from within or outside the EU To raise SMEs ability to fight counterfeiting and increase knowledge on the methodologies available to detect it

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