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General Election 2010 What the Parties Say – Countryside and Farming.

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Presentation on theme: "General Election 2010 What the Parties Say – Countryside and Farming."— Presentation transcript:

1 General Election 2010 What the Parties Say – Countryside and Farming

2 The Conservative Party – Countryside and Farming Make sure farmers have less paperwork to do. Change the money given to help farmers by the EU. Help people to "Buy British" by changing rules on food labelling. Give MPs a free vote to allow fox hunting again. Not allow genetically modified (GM) crops to be grown until they are proved to be safe. Give someone the job of making sure Supermarkets are not too powerful and take too much money from customers. Kill badgers in areas where there is a high risk they carry diseases which might hurt people.

3 The Labour Party – Countryside and Farming Have had successful policies e.g. stopped fox-hunting, introduced conservation areas in the sea, gave people the right to walk where they wanted to in the Countryside and sorted out the 2007 Foot and Mouth outbreak. Everyone in the countryside should have broadband access by 2012. Get the EU to change rules so that farmers get help for doing useful things in the countryside. All food should be labelled to tell people where it came from. Give farmers less paperwork to do. Allow some genetically modified crops if they are safe.

4 The Liberal Democrats – Countryside and Farming Help people from the countryside to have housing which they can afford. Change the way that the EU gives help to farmers. Help small countryside shops stay open. Build good clinics in the countryside so people who live there have access to doctors, nurses and dentists. Stop Post Offices being closed in the countryside. Make supermarkets pay farmers enough money for produce. Against genetically modified crops being grown.

5 The Green Party – Countryside and Farming Help people to eat things grown locally. Stop GM crops being grown. Reform the money the EU gives to farmers so that they are only paid for improvements. Stop fishermen fishing too much. Stop all blood-sports. Stop battery farming and intensive rearing of cattle, pig, sheep, and poultry to make the lives of the animals better.

6 UKIP – Countryside and Farming Leave the EU which will allow farmers more freedom to do what they have to do. Slowly stop farmers getting money from the Government. All food labels should say where the food comes from and how it was made. Against genetically modified crops being grown. Put someone in charge of Supermarkets to make sure they give farmers a fair price for the food they produce. Allow people in each county to vote to decide if they will let fox-hunting happen again.

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