9. Triumphant shouts of joy resound in places where the righteous dwell. The L ORD ’s right hand is lifted high; his mighty hand does all things well.

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1 9. Triumphant shouts of joy resound in places where the righteous dwell. The L ORD ’s right hand is lifted high; his mighty hand does all things well. [Sing to the Lord 118 – Part 2]

2 10. I shall not die, but I shall live; the L ORD ’s great works I will proclaim. The L ORD severely chastened me, but rescued me from death’s domain.

3 11. Throw wide the gates of righteousness; I’ll enter and give thanks to G OD. This is the gate of G OD, through which the righteous come before the L ORD.

4 12. You answered me, I will give thanks; salvation comes from you alone. The stone the builders had refused has now become the cornerstone.

5 13. The L ORD himself has done all this; it is a marvel in our sight. This is the day the L ORD has made; in it let us take great delight!

6 14. Save us, O L ORD, we humbly pray; O L ORD, we pray, grant us success. He’s blest who comes in G OD ’s great name; you from the L ORD ’s house we will bless.

7 15. The L ORD is God, and he has made his glorious light upon us fall. Let us approach the altar’s horns and celebrate the festival.

8 Sing to the Lord 118 - Part 2 Text: Psalm 118:15–29. Sing Psalms, © Psalmody Committee, Free Church of Scotland, 2003 Tune: James William Elliot, 1833-1915 Used by Permission 16. You are my God, I’ll give you thanks; you are my God, I’ll give you praise. O thank the L ORD, for he is good; his steadfast love endures always.

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