In your journal, write a heading that says “Pre-Lab” and answer the following questions: 9/16/15 Date:9/16/15Topic:Water LabPage # ___ I will come around.

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Presentation on theme: "In your journal, write a heading that says “Pre-Lab” and answer the following questions: 9/16/15 Date:9/16/15Topic:Water LabPage # ___ I will come around."— Presentation transcript:

1 In your journal, write a heading that says “Pre-Lab” and answer the following questions: 9/16/15 Date:9/16/15Topic:Water LabPage # ___ I will come around to check your homework.

2 Today in Room 315… ADMIT SLIP: Pre-lab questions HW: Make a crossword puzzle with today’s new vocab CONTENT OBJ: SW describe the properties of water LANG. OBJ: SW take written notes of their lab observations ANNOUNCEMENTS: Missing forms? Turn stuff in!!! AGENDA: Water lab rules/procedure Water Lab Activity Lab Analysis & Notes EXIT SLIP: Why are water’s unique properties so important for life as we know it? Give a few examples. Date:9/16/15Topic:Water LabPage # ___

3 Water Lab! Today we will do our first lab. Please remember the safety rules we have discussed. If you still have not filled out the lab contract, you will not be able to participate in future labs. Because this lab is so mild, you may participate, but TURN THAT CONTRACT IN!

4 Procedure In your (new?) lab groups, you will each begin at one of the four stations. You must READ ALL DIRECTIONS and carry out the procedures as they are given to you Record ALL info in your journal. Make sure to write your answers such that you know what the question was asking. When you finish at one station, you may move to the next. There is room for two groups to be at each station.

5 Materials List* Write down this list, and draw the object next to the new words Station A: penny, water dropper, water, soap Station B: Erlenmeyer flask, water, salt, oil Station C: Graduated cylinder, water, paper, ink Station D: bucket, water, paperclip

6 More Instructions Clean Up: Make sure before you leave each station, that you CLEAN UP and put the station BACK TO ITS ORIGINAL FORM!! Questions: Everyone here needs to work on reading directions. So, if you call me over to ask a question and the answer is right in the directions, I will deduct points. Make sure you READ.

7 Begin the lab! Each group start at a different station, and get to work! Each group start at a different station, and get to work! Keep the volume at a minimum, please.

8 Finished? Answer these questions. Polarity of Water Water is a polar molecule, meaning it has one end with a slight positive charge and another end with a slight negative charge. Molecules without positive and negative ends are called non-polar. As a general rule, water is good at dissolving polar and ionic compounds, but not nonpolar compounds. Based on your experiments from Station B… 1) Which substance was nonpolar, the cooking oil or the salt? 2) Which substance was polar or ionic?

9 Recap! What did you learn? Did anything surprise you? Let’s hear something from each group. Now for some Water Notes* (make this your heading!)

10 *

11 When the nucleus (with protons, +) of one atom is attracted to the electrons (-) of another atom, a bond occurs.*

12 *

13 *

14 * * *

15 * Positive is attracted to negative! *

16 Cohesion* Attractive forces that occur between molecules of the SAME substance Water molecules like to stick together (think cooperative) Leads to surface tension

17 Adhesion* *

18 Water is a Universal Solvent* Polar dissolves polar (not non-polar)

19 Fun Fact!

20 Homework Write a paragraph about water that properly identifies and incorporates the following five concepts: Polar Molecules Hydrogen Bonding CohesionAdhesion Universal Solvent

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