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DGPFSS Serving those who serveÀ votre service DGSSPF PSP Presentation to B/W Comds Base Commanders Symposium on Morale and Welfare Programs 29 April 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "DGPFSS Serving those who serveÀ votre service DGSSPF PSP Presentation to B/W Comds Base Commanders Symposium on Morale and Welfare Programs 29 April 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 DGPFSS Serving those who serveÀ votre service DGSSPF PSP Presentation to B/W Comds Base Commanders Symposium on Morale and Welfare Programs 29 April 2010 Support our Troops Appuyons nos troupes

2 CANADIAN FORCES PERSONNEL AND FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES SERVICES DE SOUTIEN AU PERSONNEL ET AUX FAMILLES DES FORCES CANADIENNES PSP Agenda Update Health and Fitness Strategy Update Military Sports Update Project Access Update Military Family Services Program PSP Programs –Roles and Responsibilities B/W Comd and PSP –Roles and Responsibilities B/W Comd and MFRC –DOA and the PSP Service Delivery Model –PSP Career Development Program –Key messages

3 CANADIAN FORCES PERSONNEL AND FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES SERVICES DE SOUTIEN AU PERSONNEL ET AUX FAMILLES DES FORCES CANADIENNES CF Health & Physical Fitness Strategy Strategic Intent: to strengthen the existing culture of health and physical fitness, thereby improving the capability of our men and women in uniform to meet operational requirements. 4 Principles –Accountability and Responsibility –Operational Focus –Measurable –Integrated Total Force 33 Physical Exercise Specialists 22 Health Promotion Directors and Managers 17 Fitness and Sports Instructors

4 CANADIAN FORCES PERSONNEL AND FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES SERVICES DE SOUTIEN AU PERSONNEL ET AUX FAMILLES DES FORCES CANADIENNES 2004 and 2008 Levels of Physical Activity by Met Category for CF Regular Force Personnel CF Health and Lifestyle Information Survey, CF Health Services. 2008 CF Health and Lifestyle Information Survey, CF Health Services. 2004 24% Obesity CF Health & Physical Fitness Strategy The CF Today

5 CANADIAN FORCES PERSONNEL AND FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES SERVICES DE SOUTIEN AU PERSONNEL ET AUX FAMILLES DES FORCES CANADIENNES Base/Wing Comd Support Take an active role in your local Fitness, Sports, Recreation and Health Promotion Programs and set your local programming priorities (B/W Advisory Committee); Include all CF Reg and Res Personnel under the Base or Wing umbrella; Provided opportunities to participate in physical fitness activities during normal working hours whenever circumstances permit (DAOD 5023-3); Encourage innovation (e.g. non traditional approaches to military fitness), and When CF personnel fail their fitness evaluation initiate remedial measures under DAOD 5019-4 and direct remedial physical fitness training.

6 CANADIAN FORCES PERSONNEL AND FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES SERVICES DE SOUTIEN AU PERSONNEL ET AUX FAMILLES DES FORCES CANADIENNES CF Sports Program Corporate Account C 109 reduced by 5% to create a CF strategic reserve PSP reductions to sports and MSWG Sports budget reduced by $1,134 K to meet the directed 5% reduction. Reductions include: –CF national sports from $800K to $400K (50% reduction) –CF CISM sports from $1,159K to $425K (63% reduction)

7 CANADIAN FORCES PERSONNEL AND FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES SERVICES DE SOUTIEN AU PERSONNEL ET AUX FAMILLES DES FORCES CANADIENNES –Anticipated funding for the CF H&PF Strategy in FY 10/11 will add $1,014K to the CF sports program as follows: CF Nationals: $460K added to the $400K = $860K for FY 10/11. CISM: $554K added to the $425K = $979K for FY 10/11. After the directed 5% reduction, the addition of the anticipated H&PF funding will almost bring the CF Sports budget back to the pre- 5% reduction levels. Background - H&FP Strategy funding

8 CANADIAN FORCES PERSONNEL AND FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES SERVICES DE SOUTIEN AU PERSONNEL ET AUX FAMILLES DES FORCES CANADIENNES Return to the “pre-strategy” sports program schedule. This means cancellation of CF Nationals in golf, swimming, taekwondo and triathlon, and the CF athletic challenge. In addition, the 3 hockey nationals that were planned to be carried over from FY 09/10 because of the Winter Olympics have already been cancelled. Mitigation Strategy- CF Nationals

9 CANADIAN FORCES PERSONNEL AND FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES SERVICES DE SOUTIEN AU PERSONNEL ET AUX FAMILLES DES FORCES CANADIENNES Focus on team sports: –Most team sports occur early in the calendar year so we must commit or cancel –Difficult to keep teams together without formal activities (e.g. training camps, competitions). –The focus of the CISM Military World Games in 2011 is on team sports Cash manage the participation of CF members in individual sports on a case by case basis depending on available funds Mitigation Strategy-CISM

10 CANADIAN FORCES PERSONNEL AND FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES SERVICES DE SOUTIEN AU PERSONNEL ET AUX FAMILLES DES FORCES CANADIENNES Honour existing international commitments  Host CISM Taekwondo Military World Championship approx cost $400K  Provide assistance to CISM America (both solidarity technical assistance and ongoing leadership support to CISM) and sustain normal CISM operations. Cost is approx $179 K. Residual of approx $300K to be allocated to CISM team activities in FY 10/11  Seek funding offset thru Qs for pre-existing international commitment to host Taekwondo ($400K). Mitigation Strategy-CISM

11 CANADIAN FORCES PERSONNEL AND FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES SERVICES DE SOUTIEN AU PERSONNEL ET AUX FAMILLES DES FORCES CANADIENNES 11 Community Gateway ( CF personnel and their families are able to log onto any Base/Wing web sites that have a common look and feel. Each Base/Wing manages its own content.CF personnel and their families are able to log onto any Base/Wing web sites that have a common look and feel. Each Base/Wing manages its own content. 31 bases/wings trained (2 to be trained) : 7 live sites-Moose Jaw, Trenton, Shilo, St-Jean, Valcartier, Petawawa, Wainwright.31 bases/wings trained (2 to be trained) : 7 live sites-Moose Jaw, Trenton, Shilo, St-Jean, Valcartier, Petawawa, Wainwright. Mess back Office (Microsoft Great Plains) Optimize and automate mess back office (mess dues, functions, receivables, etc.)Optimize and automate mess back office (mess dues, functions, receivables, etc.) All CF locations will be using MSGP as of 30 June 2010.All CF locations will be using MSGP as of 30 June 2010. Book King Automated support to B/W Rec SvcsAutomated support to B/W Rec Svcs All CF locations have been trained and are ready to use BK.All CF locations have been trained and are ready to use BK. Registration to programs from home and facility booking modules will be fully implemented in September 2010.Registration to programs from home and facility booking modules will be fully implemented in September 2010. Project Access

12 CANADIAN FORCES PERSONNEL AND FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES SERVICES DE SOUTIEN AU PERSONNEL ET AUX FAMILLES DES FORCES CANADIENNES Outline Military Family Services Outline Military Family Support Capability  Strategic Initiating Directive  Turning Point  Issue Identification  Proposed Response Way Forward

13 CANADIAN FORCES PERSONNEL AND FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES SERVICES DE SOUTIEN AU PERSONNEL ET AUX FAMILLES DES FORCES CANADIENNES Strategic Initiating Directive Aim: Deficiencies in the CF’s Military Family Support Capability will be assessed and enhancements recommended. Strategic Intent: Family support that is accessible, operationally focused and fulfills the obligations of the Canadian Forces Family Covenant. Objectives:  Honour the commitment, contributions and sacrifices of families in support of Canada  Support families to mitigate the unique stressors associated with military family life  Contribute to the recruitment, retention, readiness and overall operational effectiveness of the CF

14 CANADIAN FORCES PERSONNEL AND FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES SERVICES DE SOUTIEN AU PERSONNEL ET AUX FAMILLES DES FORCES CANADIENNES Turning Point Setting the Stage: 2008 Overview and analysis of all CF Family Policy Research/ Evaluation/ Needs Assessments Formal telephone consultation with all participating Commands, Environments, and Base/ Wing Commanders Formal telephone consultation with all C/MFRCs Pan-CF web-based military family dialogue CF Family Summit I – 280 participants Moving Forward: 2009 CF Family Summit II – more than 250 participants + 200 family participants in Advisory Committees/ Working Groups Continued web-based dialogue National Board of Directors Conference Pilots of potential policy, program development or services at 14 CF locations

15 CANADIAN FORCES PERSONNEL AND FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES SERVICES DE SOUTIEN AU PERSONNEL ET AUX FAMILLES DES FORCES CANADIENNES Issues Identified Service Gaps/ Capability Deficiency  Family Separation/ Reunion  Child Care  Health Care  Mental Health  Employment/ Education

16 CANADIAN FORCES PERSONNEL AND FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES SERVICES DE SOUTIEN AU PERSONNEL ET AUX FAMILLES DES FORCES CANADIENNES Family Separation/Reunion Deficiency: Fragmented approach to service delivery Lack of targeted resources Insufficient information and access to services Proposed Response :  Development of targeted, signature resources/ programs  Expand ‘Populations Served’  DSG Resource Guide and Policy  Provide support to families of Special Forces  Increase support to families of Reservists

17 CANADIAN FORCES PERSONNEL AND FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES SERVICES DE SOUTIEN AU PERSONNEL ET AUX FAMILLES DES FORCES CANADIENNES Child Care Deficiency: Lack of child care Inconsistent quality of care Lack of awareness of available services Proposed Response:  CF Child Care Strategy  Mandate ‘Casualty Support Child Care’  Develop national child care standards  Child care resource and referral service  On call child care strategy

18 CANADIAN FORCES PERSONNEL AND FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES SERVICES DE SOUTIEN AU PERSONNEL ET AUX FAMILLES DES FORCES CANADIENNES Access to Health Care Deficiency: Lack of health care options for CF families Lack of awareness of available services Conditions of service compound access challenges Proposed Response:  Health care resource and referral service  Establishment of a Health Care Fund

19 CANADIAN FORCES PERSONNEL AND FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES SERVICES DE SOUTIEN AU PERSONNEL ET AUX FAMILLES DES FORCES CANADIENNES Mental Health Proposed Response:  Establishment of CF family counsellors  Bereavement Counselling  Development of targeted signature resources / programs  Family Liaison Officer at each IPSC Deficiency: Lack of clinical intervention options Lack of targeted services Inconsistent availability of care options

20 CANADIAN FORCES PERSONNEL AND FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES SERVICES DE SOUTIEN AU PERSONNEL ET AUX FAMILLES DES FORCES CANADIENNES Education / Employment Deficiency: Inconsistency in available services Challenges with portability of education / employment Proposed Response:  Realignment / expansion of DEM  Education and employment information portals  Family-friendly employers campaign  Establishment of Transition Assistance Officers

21 CANADIAN FORCES PERSONNEL AND FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES SERVICES DE SOUTIEN AU PERSONNEL ET AUX FAMILLES DES FORCES CANADIENNES PSP Programs Roles and Responsibilities B/W Comds Delivery of local MW programs Local delivery of National MW programs Local funding of MW programs IAW policy Day to day management of PSP staff Partnership with DGPFSS/PSP Communications PSP Division (DGPFSS) Functional auth for MW programs Manage and deliver National MW Programs National Funding of MW programs IAW policy HR management of PSP staff IAW DOA Partnership with Base/Wing Comd Communications

22 CANADIAN FORCES PERSONNEL AND FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES SERVICES DE SOUTIEN AU PERSONNEL ET AUX FAMILLES DES FORCES CANADIENNES PSP Programs Roles and Responsibilities B/W Comds Own local PSP activities Provide direction Provide feedback Provide local funding Partner in managing Communications-keep PSP Ottawa in the loop B/W PSP Staff Responsible for program delivery Responsive to B/W Comds Manage local programs within national policies Accountable for assigned resources Manage NPF employees within the HR DOA Communications-keep B/W Comd and PSP Ottawa in the loop

23 CANADIAN FORCES PERSONNEL AND FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES SERVICES DE SOUTIEN AU PERSONNEL ET AUX FAMILLES DES FORCES CANADIENNES Military Family Services Program Roles and Responsibilities Challenge/ Opportunity: Military Family Resource Centres in Canada are 3 rd party organizations governed by Boards of Directors whose membership is comprised of a minimum 51% civilian spouses of CF members. To maximize success:  Understand roles and responsibilities of B/W Commander, DMFS and the MFRC as outlined in annual DND/MFRC MOU  Compel coordination and cooperation among all your service providers to maximize efficiency and effectiveness  Assign appropriate ex-officio B/W Commander OPI to MFRC Board of Directors  Make use of the regionally based DMFS Field Operations Manager to provide you with orientation, interpretation, guidance etc.  Recognize accountability and authority for site-specific services (even if not B/W Commander funded)  Support nationally mandated/funded policies and programs  Partner with DMFS staff in support of Community Site Visits

24 CANADIAN FORCES PERSONNEL AND FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES SERVICES DE SOUTIEN AU PERSONNEL ET AUX FAMILLES DES FORCES CANADIENNES Staff of NPF Delegation of Authorities and the PSP Service Delivery Model DOA for the staff of NPF, CF issued 1 Mar 10 For all intents and purposes, role of the BComd unchanged by DOA Base Commander is Responsible for MW of personnel and their families PSP staffs exist to deliver MW programs and services Base Commander is the Customer PSP Mgr and PSP staffs responsive to the needs of the BComd delivering his/her MW programs IAW approved policy and National standards

25 CANADIAN FORCES PERSONNEL AND FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES SERVICES DE SOUTIEN AU PERSONNEL ET AUX FAMILLES DES FORCES CANADIENNES Staff of NPF Delegation of Authorities and the PSP Service Delivery Model PSP Mgr will hire/manage local NPF staff based on local program needs and IAW NPF personnel policy Where NPF employees are not within NPF COC (e.g. Mess staff in some locations), the responsible mgr will be designated by name Military mgrs of NPF staff are responsible for day to day management supervision and work related direction

26 CANADIAN FORCES PERSONNEL AND FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES SERVICES DE SOUTIEN AU PERSONNEL ET AUX FAMILLES DES FORCES CANADIENNES PSP Career Development Program (CDP) Aim –To create a culture consistent with the organisational behaviours needed to execute the PSP corporate goals and objectives. Process –web-based management tool –competency based architecture –manages PSP career training and development –supports PSP succession planning goals

27 CANADIAN FORCES PERSONNEL AND FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES SERVICES DE SOUTIEN AU PERSONNEL ET AUX FAMILLES DES FORCES CANADIENNES Key Messages Coordination Cooperation Integration 1.We have one Customer - the Military member and his/her family 2.PSP staff and the MFRC exist to deliver programs and services to your military community. If they are not meeting your services delivery needs, they are probably not be doing their job. Insist that your services providers (PSP, Fitness, HP, Rec, Sports and the MFRC coordinate programs and service delivery) Help us ensure that local programs are delivered within National policy frameworks In times like today (when resources are shrinking) ensure that we align programs to make the best use of available resources. (e.g. the sports and community programs) If you are not satisfied with the services you are receiving, please let me know.


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