PRISM Workforce System Performance Measures Program Experts Work Group May 7, 2014 Workforce Data Quality Initiative Grant.

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1 PRISM Workforce System Performance Measures Program Experts Work Group May 7, 2014 Workforce Data Quality Initiative Grant

2 Life After Death by PowerPoint Bad PowerPoint Presentations by Don McMillian

3 Oregon’s Performance Reporting Information System (PRISM) Measures performance and success of Oregon’s workforce system (ORS 657.734) Member agencies: Employment Department (OED), Department of Human Services, Community Colleges and Workforce Development PRISM needs updating: add agencies, add programs, link to education data, new web-based customer interface Existing funding sufficient for maintenance, not major system improvement

4 U.S. Department of Labor Grant Opportunity Six grants of up to $1.2 million Grant duration three years Competitive grants No matching funds required Would provide funding to develop new system

5 PRINCIPLES Data are confidential Data security is paramount Data are owned by the partner Accurate and timely data Information targeted to customers Customer feedback is encouraged Compliance with applicable laws

6 Six Goals Expand PRISM Improve the quality of workforce data Match workforce to education data Provide data and analysis for policy-makers Produce and disseminate performance information Create user-friendly portals

7 Oregon’s Proposed Approach Phase 1: policy makers, workforce boards, state agency leaders, program managers convene to develop and document goals for new/improved system Phase 2: OED Research and Information Technology staff collaborate on design and development of new system. Phase 3: testing and release of new PRISM Grant proposal supported by Governor’s Office, state and local Workforce Investment Boards, Oregon Education Investment Board, state workforce and education agencies

8 Nine Measures Entered Employment Rate Employment Retention Rate Average Earnings Wage Gain Skill Gain Business Satisfaction Job Seeker Satisfaction Targeted Sectors Return on Investment

9 Oregon Education Investment Board - invests to achieve 40-40-20 goals Higher Education Coordinating Council - provides state level policy and oversight for colleges and universities to support achievement of 40- 40-20 goals Oregon Workforce Investment Board oversees investment in programs with a mission to assure that businesses find skilled workers and job seekers find and keep good jobs 40-40 (of 40-40-20 goals) CCWD & OUS (to be integrated into the HECC) – manage state funding, policy and “oversight” for colleges & universities Community College & University Boards Colleges & Universities offer credit and non-credit education and training to students and businesses. Career advising, assessment and support services offered to support student success Oregonians 18 (?) and older. Minorities and those with limited resources are more highly represented than in the general population Achievement compacts for program completion goals employment, retention, wage gain Oregon Employment Department, CCWD, DHS – manage state funding, policy, some staffing and oversight for workforce programs Local Workforce Investment Boards WorkSource offers assessment, career advising, short term skill development, resources for re-training, case management, support services, and job placement for job seekers. Recruitment and assistance with training services are offered to businesses Unemployed, under-employed and at risk Oregonians 14 and older. Minorities and those with limited resources are more highly represented than in the general public Charters for LWIBs and Compacts for system to commit to employment, wage gain, skill development, and efficiency measures Outcomes State level management Local Governance Local service delivery Customers Possible shared policy interests Foundational Skills (ABE/GED/ESL/NCRC), CTE, Industry recognized certificates, customized training, business development, work ready communities, sector strategies, career pathways, career counseling, work based learning Accountability mechanism Governor

10 Governance State Delivery Local Delivery Workforce Investment Act Title I & NEGs ~$46 mil in resources Contracts Community College Support Fund, Carl Perkins, Adult Literacy ~ $245 mil OYCC $1.2 mil 17 Community Colleges 7 LWIBs Oversee & invest in WorkSource Contracts Workforce Development in Oregon Community Colleges and Workforce Development Governance Business & Employment Programs, Labor Market Information ~ $51 mil 40+ WorkSource Centers Unemployment Insurance ~ $1 bil in UI benefits 3 UI Call Centers Governance Governor Referral Oregon Education Investment Board Oregon Employment Department Governance Statewide Public Services, Targeted Programs, Student Support, and Debt Service ~ $359 mil 7 Public Universities Governance Higher Education Coordinating Commission JOBS, Voc. Rehab, Senior and Community Employmen t Service ~ $80 mil TANF ~ $193 mil DHS & VR Offices Referral Department of Human Services Governance Oregon Workforce Investment Board Governance Oregon University System Voc. Rehab Council OED Advisory Committee Family Services Review Commission

11 Example – Performance Concept Example – Scorecard College Measures Example – Scorecard State of Washington Dashboard PRISM Current Reporting Example – Missouri Training to Work Explorer

12 PRISM Four Employment Measures

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