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2008.11.12 HYUNJEONG, YOO Google App Engine & Cloud Computing.

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1 2008.11.12 HYUNJEONG, YOO Google App Engine & Cloud Computing

2 1. Cloud Computing 어원  Cloud (internet) 속으로 무엇을 던져 넣으면 비나 눈이 되어 내린다는 의미  개인의 생각들을 인터넷을 통해 중앙 컴퓨터나 네트워크의 cloud 속으 로 입력하면 수 많은 개인들의 생각이 합쳐져 어떤 결과를 도출하게 된다는 의미

3 1. Cloud Computing 의미  중앙에 컴퓨터 (hosted desktop environment) 와 대용량 하드디스크가 위치하고 인터넷을 통해 개개인들에게 가상의 공간을 제공한다는 것  개인들은 모니터와 키보드, 마우스, 간단한 연결 장치를 통해 유선이 든 무선이든 인터넷을 통해 가상의 공간에 접속해 원하는 작업을 하고 저장하는 것  일종의 가상화 기술을 사용하는 것으로 중앙 컴퓨터는 인터넷을 접속 하는 개개인에게 cpu, memory, program, storage space 등을 할당하 고 일정 비용을 지불 받는 것

4 1. Cloud Computing 장점  장소, 시간에 구애 받지 않고 자유롭게 공유, 공동 작업이 가능  무한에 가까운 확장성 의의  Personal computer -> web + network computing environment  Computer OS -> web or network connection program, device

5 2. Google App Engine Platform-as-a-service(PaaS) market with launch of Google App Engine, a scalable, fault-tolerant web application environment that lets developers run their own apps on Google’s infrastructure.  PaaS : 개발, 테스트, 배포, 호스팅 플랫폼과 서비스를 제공 확장성, 안정성, 보안성, 사용자 경험, DB, 공동 프로젝트 진행 등의 다양한 플랫폼 환경을 지원

6 2. Google App Engine The core fault-tolerant, scalable application environment that “ runs reliably, even under heavy load and with large amounts of data.”  A key part of this is the “sandbox” which isolates your application a secure environment that is “independent of the hardware, operating system and physical location of the web server.” A runtime environment for the Python programming language including libraries and modules.  This is a difference from the Amazon model : here it’s not a set of web service APIs, but language-specific frameworks. A local development environment and SDK The BigTable model distributed data storage service

7 2. Google App Engine An administration console for app management, logging, and monitoring.  This console gives you complete access to the public version of your application.  create a new application, and set up a free sub-domain, or a top-level domain name of your choosing  invite other people to be developers for your application, so they can acce ss the Console and upload new versions of the code  view access data and error logs, and analyze traffic  browse your application's datastore and manage indexes  test new versions of your application, and switch the version that your use rs see

8 2. Google App Engine

9 COST  Sign up is free  Running your app as long as stay under quotas  500MB of storage  200 million megacycles/day of CPU  10GB of total bandwidth  Google estimates this means there will be no cost for up to approximately 5 million pageviews a month.

10 3. Google App Engine VS Amazon Google App Engine is not a set of standalone service like Amazon’s suite of on-demand infrastructure -which includes S3 for storage, EC2 for hosting and the SimpleDB database.  Google App Engine is an end-to-end service and bundles everything into one package. Google is more constrained than Amazon, which essentially offers developers the freedom to pick and choose from the bare metal of a virtualized platform on up, but Google’s approach does offer some advantages to with its disadvantages.  Advantages : transparent scalability Relative ease of implementation. automatic scaling and load balancing

11 3. Google App Engine VS Amazon Unlike Amazon web service’s loosely coupled architecture, which consists of several essentially independent services that can optionally be tied together by developers, Google’s architecture is more unified but less flexible. Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud offers you full Linux machines with root access and the opportunity to run whatever apps you want. Google’s App Engine will also let you run whatever program you want – as long as you specify it in a limited version of Python and use Google’s datastore. Customization 에 강한 대신 계정관리와 설정, 배포가 복잡한 AWS vs 제약이 많은 대신 모든 것이 심플한 GAE => Scalability

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