Feral Cat Assistance Program Improving the lives of feral/stray cats in and around Greensboro, NC (Click each page to proceed.)

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Presentation on theme: "Feral Cat Assistance Program Improving the lives of feral/stray cats in and around Greensboro, NC (Click each page to proceed.)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Feral Cat Assistance Program Improving the lives of feral/stray cats in and around Greensboro, NC (Click each page to proceed.)

2 FCAP Spay/Neuter Day One Sunday morning each month, FCAP volunteers gather at xxx West Market Street to prepare, spay/neuter, and return to their colony 50 to 100 feral/stray cats.

3 Volunteers begin bringing cats at 7:00 am and receive instructions before veterinarians arrive.

4 Sterile surgical kits are prepared, one set for spaying female cats and one set for neutering male cats.

5 A cats first surprise is a quick anesthetic injection in their rump while safely contained in their trap.

6 Each cat is weighed, sex determined, physical problems noted, and recorded on papers which follow them throughout the morning's procedures.

7 Anesthetized female cats are stabilized onto boards in preparation for surgery.

8 Female cat's bellies are shaved and swabbed with antiseptic before surgery.

9 Female cats are spayed by licensed veterinarians who volunteer their time, along with assistants.

10 Between 5 and 8 volunteer veterinarians and many assistants perform surgeries for 2-3 hours each Spay Day morning.

11 After surgery, assistants check each female cat's temperature and note any special conditions to be monitored.

12 Meanwhile, male cats are also shaved in preparation for surgery.

13 Male cats are neutered by licensed veterinarians and assistants.

14 All cats receive rabies vaccine, deworming and antibiotic medicines, have wounds treated, ears cleaned, and flea medicine.

15 Many veterinarians and assistants have consistently volunteered their services for years!

16 After surgery, cats with temperatures below 96 degrees F. are placed under a forced air warming blanket until their temperature rises.

17 Volunteers complete and double-check paperwork, and move cats to recovery crates before the cats awaken.

18 Volunteers repeatedly check all cats as they begin awakening from surgery.

19 At 1:00 pm, caretakers arrive to take their cats home for 12-24 hours observation in crates.

20 If all is well, all feral/stray cats are released back into their colony the following day, healthy and never again to reproduce.

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