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陇海中学 田小琴 English around the world Unit 2 How many languages do you speak? 1. Shanxi dialect 2. Putonghua Mandarin Chinese 3. English 4. Japanese 陕西方言.

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Presentation on theme: "陇海中学 田小琴 English around the world Unit 2 How many languages do you speak? 1. Shanxi dialect 2. Putonghua Mandarin Chinese 3. English 4. Japanese 陕西方言."— Presentation transcript:


2 陇海中学 田小琴

3 English around the world Unit 2

4 How many languages do you speak? 1. Shanxi dialect 2. Putonghua Mandarin Chinese 3. English 4. Japanese 陕西方言 普通话

5 Example 我是一名英语教师. I am an English teacher. ゎたしは英语の先生です.

6 English Around the World English Around the World


8 The main idea of the text Par.1 English is spoken as a native language or a second language in some countries. Par.2 English is learned as a foreign language in some countries. Par.3 The importance of learning English.

9 1.How many countries are there where English is their mother tongue? 2. Which nations speak English as their native language? 3.How many people learn English as a second language? 4.Which areas are English always used as a working language? 5. Do you think it is important to have a good knowledge of English? Why? (at least 4 reasons)Reading

10 Reading Reading (scanning) 1.How many countries are there where English is their mother tongue? 42. 2. Which nations speak English as their native language? UKUSACanada Australia South Africa IrelandNew Zealand

11 Reading Reading (scanning) 3.How many people learn English as a second language? 375 million people. 4.Which areas are English always used as a working language? International organizations, international trade and tourism. 5. Do you think it is important to have a good knowledge of English? Why? (at least 4 reasons)

12 1.Chinese is a language spoken all around the world. ( ) 2. There are 375 million people learn English as a second language.( ) 3. Everywhere in the world children go to school to learn English. ( ) 4.Students in Hong Kong learn English as a foreign language. ( ) 5.English is the working language of all international organisations. ( ) F T T F F

13 Listen carefully and try to complete the following sentence.

14 Complete the Following summary. English is a ________ ______all around the world. For more than 375million people in countries such as _______ and _______, English is their ______ ______. Another 375 million people _____ ______ as a second language. However, most people learn English at school as a ______ _______. The English language __also ____ by most international organizations as their working language, as well as in inter- national _____ and _______. Most foreigners visiting China are either__________ or ______. If they cannot ______ Chinese, they use ______ to communicate with Chinese people. In global culture, for example the Internet or popular music, English is widely used. In the future we will be speaking Chinese with our_______, but we will be _______ English with people around the world for our work. language spoken Australia Canada mother tongue learn English foreign language is used tradetourism businessmentourists speak English usingfamily

15 Discussion: As we all know, English is widely used in many fields,While Chinese is spoken by the largest speakers. Do you think Chinese will become an international language all over the world in the near future?

16 homework 1.Retell the passage according to the key words. 2.Read the passage carefully and make marks where you have any questions.

17 Bye

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