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How to Install and Run Prepared by: Shubhra Kanti Karmaker Santu Lecturer CSE Department BUET.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Install and Run Prepared by: Shubhra Kanti Karmaker Santu Lecturer CSE Department BUET."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Install and Run Prepared by: Shubhra Kanti Karmaker Santu Lecturer CSE Department BUET

2  The Java version of Nachos only supports Java 1.3.1  you can download Java 1.3.1 here: ad.html  Also available in the Repository (Nachos-java- provided to you

3  Download nachos-java.tar.gz from the Projects section of University of California, Berkeley  It is available in the following link: http://www-inst.EECS.Berkeley.EDU/~cs162/  Also available in the Repository (Nachos-java- provided to you

4  The build process for Nachos relies on GNU make  Be sure you run gmake, as make does not support all the features used  If you are running Windows, you will need to download and install a port.

5  The most popular is the Cygwin toolkit, tml  The Cygnus package includes ports of most common GNU utilities to Windows.  Also available in the Repository (Nachos-java- provided to you

6  You will need a MIPS cross compiler, which is a specially compiled GCC which will run on one architecture and produce files for the MIPS processor.  Cross-compilers for Linux and Win32 will be available from the CS162 Projects web page of University of California, Berkeley.  Also available in the Repository (Nachos-java- provided to you

7  Step 1: Install java 1.3.1  Step 2: Install the Cygwin toolkit  Step 3: Install the MIPS Cross compiler  Step 4: Do some preporcessing

8  In the Repository ( provided, you will find j2sdk-1_3_1-win.exe  Double click and java will be installed  If higher version of java is already installed in your PC, please uninstall it before installing java 1.3.1.  For confirmation run CMD, type java and find something like shown in the next slide


10  You can install Cygwin by double clicking the Cygwin setup.exe available in the repository.  You can directly install from the internet or from a local repository(if available).  I have provided the local repository in a folder named cygwin packages.  Installation steps are shown in details in the following slides:





15  The make and make depend commands are not installed by default.  You have to manually select it.  In the Select packages window, Go to Development tag and select the make and make depend tool.



18  After installation, you will get a Cygwin Terminal  Its feeling like Linux within Windows

19  Copy the nachos folder to your cygwin home directory  To know the home directory, open the cygwin terminal and type pwd  See whether your cygwin recognizes the java by typing java in cygwin terminal  If not, then type export PATH=$PATH:”/cygdrive/C/your java path here”  Now cygwin will recognize java

20  You should now have a directory called nachos, containing a Makefile, a README, and a number of subdirectories  You will need to link the gmake with make as mentioned earlier  You can do this by the following command: ln –s /bin/make /bin/gmake

21  nachos is the command to run your nachos projects  At first you are to make cygwin recognize the nachos command.  You can do this by the following command: export PATH=$PATH:”/home/santu/nachos/bin”  Of course you will not write santu, replace it with your home directory.  Now, Cygwin recognizes the nachos command

22  To compile Nachos, go to the subdirectory for the project you wish to compile (I will assume 'proj1/' for Project 1 in my examples), and run: gmake  This will compile those portions of Nachos which are relevant to the project, and place the compiled.class files in the proj1/nachos directory.

23  You can now test Nachos from the proj1/ directory with: nachos  You should see output resembling the following:

24  We have succesfully compiled and run nachos

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