Design and implementation of under water data collection and communication Sreynoch Chin Advisor: Professor J. Hedrick.

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Presentation on theme: "Design and implementation of under water data collection and communication Sreynoch Chin Advisor: Professor J. Hedrick."— Presentation transcript:

1 Design and implementation of under water data collection and communication Sreynoch Chin Advisor: Professor J. Hedrick

2  What is this project ?  System Specification  Testing  Result  Summary  Acknowledgement

3  Ballston Lake: › No intermixing between water layers for thousands of years › No oxygen at the bottom of lake  Union Geology Department is interested of doing research study  No commercially available monitoring system  currently collecting data manually › Tedious and time consuming

4 RS-422  Sub system of remote water monitoring system

5  Operates continuously for 10 years  Operates over 130 feet depth  Minimum transmission rate of 9600 bits/s  Collects data from lake bottom to near top  1 foot increment between each data collection point  Provides local data storage

6  Hardware:  Software Underwater System

7 Motor Underwater system

8  C programming language for  Motor commanding  Data receiving and transmission  File transfer protocol  CRC error checking

9  Hardware  Software


11  Lithium-Ion vs. Nickel Metal Hydride › Cost › Battery life › Recharge ability

12  Problem assembling the reel

13  Overheating motor bridge


15  Leaked Balloon  3 weather balloons ordered


17 Sample water property data measurements

18  Packet Format SOP Opcode Control Message CRC Hi Byte EOP CRC Low Byte SOP Opcode CRC Hi Byte CRC Low Byte EOP …Data Value… Control packet format Data packet format


20 Start Setup RS-422 serial port Initialize 2D array Get data from local file Make packets Initialize connection NoNo Close connection Send packets Connection established? Close RS-422 serial port Clean up 2D array End Store sensor data in 2D[ ] Start Setup RS-422 serial port Initialize 2D array Create local file Close RS-232 serial port End Transmitter Receiver

21  Successfully transmitted water data from the sensor to PC running Linux machine

22  Successful motor commanding  successful data transfer from sensor to control computer and to shore’s computer

23  Professor Hedrick  Professor Shaw  Aung Soe  Paul Tunison  Union Electrical and Computer Engineering Department  Union Geology Department


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