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TERMS AND IDEAS GOVERNMENT - institution through which a society makes and enforces its public policies. PUBLIC POLICIES- things the government decides.

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2 TERMS AND IDEAS GOVERNMENT - institution through which a society makes and enforces its public policies. PUBLIC POLICIES- things the government decides to do. 3 POWERS OF GOVERNMENT LEGISLATIVE- make laws and policies EXECUTIVE - enforce and administer the law JUDICIAL - interpret the meaning of laws and settle disputes with laws and society THE CONSTITUTION -bodyof fundamental laws setting out the principles, structure and processes of government.

3 THE STATE -body of people living in a defined territory, organized politically with a government and with the power to make and enforce laws without the consent of a higher authority. EX: Each state has its own driving laws and regulations THE STATE also needs: 1. A POPULATION 2. TERRITORY 3. SOVEREIGNTY 4. A GOV’T ORIGINS OF THE STATE 1. Force Theory 2. Evolutionary Theory 3. Divine Right Theory 4. Social Contract Theory JOHN LOCKE

4 FORMS OF GOV’T 1. DEMOCRACY- Power in the hands of the people. 2. DICTATORSHIP-not responsible to the will of the people. (AUTOCRACY and OLIGARCHY) 3. UNITARY-centralized government like Parliament in Britain. 4. FEDERAL- division and separation of powers. In U.S. at national, state and local level. 5. CONFEDERATION- an alliance of independent states mostly for economic purposes. The European Union 6. PRESIDENTIAL- a mix of Democracy and Federal—The U.S.A. 7. PARLIAMENTARY- leadership is through the legislative branch. Prime Minister is in charge. Britain and Canada. Eh.

5 BASIC CONCEPTS OF DEMOCRACY THE FOUNDATIONS OF DEMOCRACY 1. The fundamental worth and dignity of every person 2. Respect and equality for all 3. Majority rule with minority rights 4. Individual freedom 5. Necessity to compromise DEMOCRACY AND FREE-ENTERPRISE 1. Private ownership, competition and opportunity to succeed or fail. 2. Personal Choices matter!

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