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Epidemiology of Rabies in Southeast Europe

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1 Epidemiology of Rabies in Southeast Europe
Nicholas Johnson Rabies and Wildlife Zoonoses Group WHO Collaborating Centre for the Characterization of Rabies and Rabies-Related Viruses

2 Introduction Rabies is endemic within many countries of south east Europe The fox is the principal reservoir species but dog rabies cases still reported Few epidemiological studies reported from the region Identify factors that contribute to epidemiology Lack of knowledge hampers vaccination programmes

3 Southeast Europe (the Balkans)

4 The Balkan Peninsular Poland Russia Czech Republic Ukraine Slovakia
Austria Hungary Slovenia Romania Croatia Bosnia and Herzegovina Serbia Bulgaria Mac Albania Greece Turkey

5 Cohort Details Country (Cases 2005) Fox Dog Jackal Human Other
Not recorded [Total] Bosnia-Herzegovina (36) 10 3 4 17 Bulgaria (8) 5 2 1 12 Georgia Serbia & Montenegro (101) Hungary (9) Poland (138) Romania (530) 9 Russia (3087) Slovak Republic (50) Turkey (193) 7 21 75

6 Isolate details Code No. Country Region Species Year Genbank Accession
Number 5 Bulgaria Lovech Fox 2003 DQ300293 1279 Romania Iolomita ? - RV1124 Turkey Manisa 2000 AY091610

7 Region of the Genome N P M G L 327 nucleotides

8 Phylogenetic analysis of RABV sequences from Southeastern Europe
Bulgaria SAD B19 Eastern Turkey Pasteur Romania Western Turkey Romania / Russia Bosnia-Herzegovina

9 Phylogenetic tree of Eastern European Isolates
Central Romania Wave 1: Western Turkey Western Turkey Bosnia-Herzegovina Outgroup Bulgaria * Eastern Romania / Russia 0.01 substitutions / site * Bootstrap values > 700

10 Romania Romania / Russia Romania / Poland

11 Bulgaria Targovishte Dobrich Lovech Montana Pleven Lovech
Former Yugoslavia Vidin Montana

12 Bosnia-Herzegovina Bosnia-Herzegovina Hungary

13 Conclusions Most isolates fall into the East European group of viruses
Geography dominates isolate clustering Topography may play a significant role in preventing spread of fox-rabies The Danube appears to block movement between Romania and Bulgaria Such factors could assist in future vaccination campaigns

14 Acknowledgements Co-Authors
Veterinary Laboratories Agency (UK) AR Fooks FLI-Wusterhausen (Germany) T Muller, C Freuling IDT (Germany) A Vos Etlik CVRI (Turkey) O Aylan H Un Natl. Diag. & Res Vet Inst (Bulgaria) R Valtchovski Inst. Diag. & Animal Health (Romania) M Turcitu F Dumistrescu V Vlad Univ. Sarajevo (Bosnia-Hervegovina) R Velic Vet. Inst. Of Republika of Srpska V Sandrac Funding Defra (UK)

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