Natural Selection Best adapted survives and reproduces!

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Presentation on theme: "Natural Selection Best adapted survives and reproduces!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Natural Selection Best adapted survives and reproduces!

2 English Peppered Moth Example

3 Before industrial revolution After industrial revolution English Peppered Moth Example

4 Galapagos Ground Finch Study by Rosemary and Peter Grant In dry years average beak depth increases -birds with large bills survive better -more large seeds available In wet years average beak depth decreases -birds with small bills survive better -more small seeds available


6 Antibiotic Resistance Antibiotic resistance happens fast! Antibiotics: chemicals that destroy microorganisms like bacteria Genetic variation = bacteria are not all the same Selective pressure for resistance = bacteria that are resistant survive and their offspring survive Resistance comes from: 1. inappropriate use 2. patients who do not take whole prescription Antibiotic use in livestock: 1. used in healthy animals 2. causes resistant bacteria

7 Antibiotic resistant gene

8 Bacteria with antibiotic resistant gene survive


10 Properties of Water: Cohesion and Adhesion Cohesion: holds water together within a vessel Adhesion: water sticks to vessel wall resisting gravity


12 High Surface Tension

13 Properties of water: (Due to hydrogen bonding) Cohesion/Adhesion High surface tension High specific heat High heat of vaporization Lower density as a solid than a liquid Good solvent Solute + Solvent = Solution

14 Acids, Bases and Buffers Acid: high H + Base: low H + pH: measure of H +

15 Acid Rain: Destroys Lakes

16 Buildings and Statues

17 Ocean Acidification Overproduction of carbon dioxide through fossil fuel combustion Oceans absorb carbon dioxide Ocean acidification: CO 2 dissolves in seawater and reacts with water to form carbonic acid (lowers ocean pH) Less carbonate for reef calcification

18 CO 2 dissolved in ocean reacts with water to form carbonic acid Carbonic acid dissociates into bicarbonate and hydrogen ions Hydrogen ions form more bicarbonate with carbonate ions making them unavailable for calcification by marine animals such as coral Coral reefs increase biodiversity, protect shorelines, feeding ground for fish species (fisheries), tourism









27 Succulent = stores water

28 Connection between photosynthesis and cellular respiration




32 Strategies for Body Temperature Endotherm: most body heat obtained internally (from metabolism) Endotherms tend to be homeotherms (maintain a constant body temperature) Ectotherms: most body heat obtained externally (from environment) Ectotherms tend to be poikilotherms (allow body temperature to fluctuate with environmental temperature)

33 Modes of Heat Loss and Gain Radiation: heat loss or gain by a difference in body temperature and the environment Conduction: heat loss or gain by direct contact with an object Convection: heat loss or gain by wind or water currents Evaporation: heat loss only, cooling mechanism

34 Body Temp = Heat Produced + Heat Gained – Heat Lost (By Metabolism) (From Environment) (To Environment)

35 Osmoregulation: salt and water balance

36 What does osmoregulation for us?

37 Special adaptations: Kangaroo rats

38 Excretion of nitrogenous wastes

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