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Free, online, technical courses Take a free online course. Microsoft Virtual Academy.

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1 Free, online, technical courses Take a free online course. Microsoft Virtual Academy


3 Health Model

4 System. Library System. Performance. Library System. AdminItem. Library Microsoft. SystemCenter. Library Microsoft. SystemCenter. DW.Library Microsoft. SystemCenter. DW.Report. Library System. Software. Library System. Health. Library System. AppLog. Library Microsoft. Windows. Library

5 Versions Size Maintenance Features


7 12 07 SCOM 2012 can use either management pack schema. SCOM 2007 R2 can only use management packs in 2007 schema. Any management pack exported from management group is formatted in that schema. 12 07 XX X

8 Read/write MP in Ops console No reference from other MP Overrides, groups, ad hoc Identity guaranteed Versioning enforced Backward compatible Reference from other MP Unseale d Sealed X X

9 Management Pack (.XML) Management Pack (.MP) Key Pair

10 Management Pack Bundle (.MPB) Management Pack Files (.MP) 10011 10110 100 Binaries 10011 10110 100


12 SectionContents ManifestReferences and header information TypeDefinitionsClasses, custom modules and monitor types MonitoringMonitors, Rules, Tasks, Diagnostics, Recoveries PresentationTypesCustom UI (we won’t cover this) PresentationViews, Folders, Dashboards ReportingReports, Linked Reports Language PacksDisplay Strings, Product Knowledge ResourcesBinary resources

13 All elements have a unique ID. Use a namespace prefix to guarantee uniqueness. Display string defined in language pack. ID Display Name

14 Each MP needs an alias for each other MP it will reference. Reference includes version. Microsoft.Windows.Library 6.1.7221.0 31bf3856ad364e35. Object in Other MP Object in Local MP

15 Delimited with dollar signs ($) Information not known until runtime Properties on managed objects Data returned from scripts TypeDescriptionUsed In $MPElementGUID of a management pack elementDiscoveries $TargetProperty of a target objectParameter Values $ConfigValue from parameterModules and Monitor Types $DataValue from dataAlerts and All Workflows $RunAsProperty from a RunAs accountAll Workflows $FileResourcePath for a resourceManagement Pack Bundle

16 Deep technical content and free product evaluations Hands-on deep technical labs Free, online, technical courses Download Microsoft software trials today. Find Hand On Labs.Take a free online course. TechNet Virtual Labs


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