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Washington State Medical Surge Healthcare Coalitions NW Tribal Emergency Mgt. Council – Tulalip June 7, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Washington State Medical Surge Healthcare Coalitions NW Tribal Emergency Mgt. Council – Tulalip June 7, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Washington State Medical Surge Healthcare Coalitions NW Tribal Emergency Mgt. Council – Tulalip June 7, 2007

2 Tiered Response ICS / NRP Source: Barbera and Macintyre, Medical Surge Capacity and Capability, August, 2004

3 Building on the Regional Model Clallam Jefferson Grays Harbor Pacific Whatcom Skagit Snohomish King Pierce Lewis Mason Cowlitz Thurston Clark Skamania Klickitat Yakima Kittitas Chelan Douglas Grant Okanogan Ferry Stevens Pend Oreille Spokane Lincoln Adams Whitman Franklin Benton Walla Columbia Garfield Asotin Wahkiakum San Juan Island Kitsap Region9 Region7 Region1 Region2 Region3 Region6 Region5 Region4 Region8 Population R1 – R2 – R3 – R4 – R5 - R6 – R7 – R8 – R9 - Estimated US Census Data, 2006

4  Licensed Hospitals (only 45% Acute Care, %35 are Critical Access)  Medicare Certified Ambulatory Surgical Centers  Licensed Home Care Agencies  Licensed Home Health Agencies  Licensed Hospice Agencies  Kidney Centers  Medicare Certified Rehabilitation Facilities  Rural Health Clinics  Tribal clinics and services  Licensed EMS Agencies  Physician Practices and clinics  Vendors (Wholesalers, etc..)  Other Source: WA DOH, American Hospital Directory (, Rural Assistance & Understanding Surge Capacity Essential Elements; Barbisch & Koenig, 2006 Building on the Regional Model

5  Improves communication and planning between regional healthcare partners  Allows for coordination and management of scarce resources  Where appropriate, allows access to immediately available resources through agreements Regional Coordination

6 Statewide Healthcare Coalition Purpose/Needs  Strengthen Medical Surge Capacity and Capability with the State (beginning with tiers 1 through 3)  Strengthen communication between health and medical  Provide a forum for developing processes for healthcare response to a catastrophic event  Evaluate, revise and develop MOUs/MAAs  Coordinate with jurisdictional level (Tier 3)

7 Regional Expectations FY06  Identify coalition partners for region (Broaden healthcare collaborative partnerships)  Design model that is applicable to regional healthcare surge capacity work  Begin holding coalition meetings  Develop a charter  Select priority surge capacity issues

8 MAA Regional Control Hospital Alternate Care Site Use  Include broad healthcare representation  Include jurisdictional representation (e.g., PH, EMS, HLS, DEM)  Include product focused sub-committees  Include executive/decision making level Ambulatory Care Medical Surge Capacity and Capability Coalition (Planning and Process Group) Executive/Decision Making MAAs/MOUs Emergency Credentialing Standards Mass Dispensing Communications Regional MSCC Coalitions Should:

9  Fewer and product-focused meetings  Create a systems approach to management of healthcare assets  Supports healthcare standards for emergency preparedness Benefits to Coalition Participation

10  Meet with all regional leads (PH/EMS and Hospital Committee Chairs)  Develop tools and templates (tool kit)  Present, provide updates and attend coalition and steering committee meetings to provide technical support  Hold Statewide Coalition Workshop  Provide on-going technical support, tools and materials – monitor regional progress Summary of FY06 Activities State

11 QUESTIONS? Valerie Munn, Healthcare Coalition Coordinator (509-456-2726) Peggi Shapiro, Washington State Hospital Association (206) 216-2864 Lone Man (Isna-la-wica) Teton Sioux... I have seen that in any great undertaking it is not enough for a man to depend simply upon himself.

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