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THE Federal Court System… Jurisdiction Original jurisdiction Appellate jurisdiction Concurrent jurisdiction Constitutional courts District courts Courts.

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Presentation on theme: "THE Federal Court System… Jurisdiction Original jurisdiction Appellate jurisdiction Concurrent jurisdiction Constitutional courts District courts Courts."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE Federal Court System… Jurisdiction Original jurisdiction Appellate jurisdiction Concurrent jurisdiction Constitutional courts District courts Courts of Appeals Legislative courts

2 WHO HEARS THE CASE?...jurisdiction Federal law Treaties Interpretation of the Constitution Supreme Court 5 th Circuit Ct of Appeals Dallas Lower Federal Court

3 STRUCTURE – Judiciary Act 1789 Constitutional Article III Fed courts Supreme Court District courts 80% Courts of Appeals Ct of App for 5 th Cir US ct of Int’l Trade Legislative special/narrow Territorial cts US Tax Court US Ct of Appeals for the Armed Forces Cases fr Article I

4 Judiciary Act of 1789 94 district courts (Ec state has 1) 13 cts of appeal (1891) 94 Your book has it listed at 91…we have added 3 since printing!!!

5 tandingtheFederalCourts/CourtofAppeals.aspx


7 Only court established by the Constitution!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8 3/26/2012 Chief Roberts Bush 2005 (57) Kennedy Reagan 1988 (75) Ginsberg Clinton 1993 (79) Scalia!!!!*** Reagan 1986 (76) Thomas Bush Sr 1991 (63) Sotomayor Obama 2009 (57) Breyer Clinton 1994 (73) Alito Bush 2006 (62) Kagan Obama 2010 (51) Obama 2 Clinton 2 Bush Sr 1 Bush Jr 2 Reagan 2 HIGHEST COURT IN THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM ORIGINAL & APPELLATE JURISDICTION STRONG IMPACT ON SOCIAL, ECON, & POLITICAL SIZE SET BY CONGRESS IN 1869 NOMINATED BY POTUS / CONFIRMED BY SENATE

9 Politics of Judicial Selection Senate MUST confirm by majority vote “during good behavior” – for life! Senatorial Courtesy POTUS fails 20% of time CONGRESS sets size (9 in 1869 = same today) 52-48

10 Backgrounds…5-4 (R) Lawyers, white men (6) >90% same party “pack the courts” 1 st Mon in Oct – July Rule of Four POTUS Johnson POTUS Reagan Party Philosophy Race Gender Religion Region Experience “Litmus test” Acceptability: ABA, IGs, & other justices O’Connor (1981) Ret @ 76 (2006) Marshall (1967) Ret @ 83 (1991) Died 1993

11 Which cases? RULE OF FOUR Few hundred are heard Most denied BRIEF ORDERS Returned to lower court Recently related case WRIT OF CERTIORARI Sup Ct orders a lower court to send up the records of a case for review; interpret law OR decide a Constitutional question CERTIFICATE Lower court may ask the Sup Ct about a rule of law or procedures in specific cases #7C & #7D

12 1. Briefs & Oral Arguments 2. Research & Conferences 3. Writing Opinions BRIEF AMICUS CURIAE BRIEF LAW CLERKS PRIVATE MEETINGS INFORMAL POLL WRITTEN DECISION…

13 OPINIONS 1.MAJORITY OPINION: Chief Justice selects who will write 2.CONCURRING OPINION 3.DISSENTING OPINION: Most senior justice of majority selects who writes if Chief is with the minority opinion. 4.PRECEDENTS: standards/guides to be followed in similar cases in the future

14 Courts as Policy Makers WARREN COURT (1953-1969) – most liberal court ever Brown v Board (1954) Gideon v Wainwright (1963) (attorney) Miranda v AZ (1966) (rights) BURGER COURT (1969-1986) – conservative ideology Roe v Wade (1973) US v Nixon (1974) (EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE) Regents of CA v Bakke (1978) (quotas, but kept affirmative action)

15 Courts as Policy Makers REHNQUIST & ROBERTS COURT (1986-present) – also conservative Planned Parenthood v Casey (1992) *In 2007, the Roberts Court upheld the federal Partial-Birth Abortion Act of 2003 in Gonzales v. Carhart (method NOT access)

16 UNDERSTANDING THE COURTS Judicial Selection: POTUS/Senate - “during good behavior” – Senatorial Courtesy Supreme Court: What POTUS considers Majority/Concurring/Dissenting OPINIONS NEW DEAL ERA!!!!!!!!: laws designed to end the Depression & court said unconstitutional (too conservative) FDR’s ‘court packing plan’ or ‘the switch in time to save nine’ Judicial Philosophy: Activism vs Restraint

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