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Instructor, Dr. Khalili Bahram Jeevan Kumar Gogineni.

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Presentation on theme: "Instructor, Dr. Khalili Bahram Jeevan Kumar Gogineni."— Presentation transcript:

1 Instructor, Dr. Khalili Bahram Jeevan Kumar Gogineni

2 History of Web Applications What is Ajax? Two real Applications of Ajax Why Ajax in Web Applications? Different Technologies in Ajax How each Technology interacts in Ajax Applications Important Notes about Ajax

3 The fundamental purpose of all web applications is to facilitate the completion of one or more tasks.” User at browser interacts with application at Web Server Web Server Application sends HTML to Web user agents for human display using HTTP. Using traditional methods, the whole content would have to be reloaded on every request.

4 AJAX is Asynchronous JavaScript And XML Ajax is not a new programming language but only a new technique which combines mature programming languages for web applications. Ajax Technologies to improve web application responsiveness, performance as well as interactivity. Ajax applications are used to build Rich Internet Application’s (RIA). The Rich Internet Application’s can also be created using Adobe Flash, JavaFX and Microsoft Silverlight.

5 Gmail Google Map Google Suggest Page The Future Application will follow this pattern.

6 In Ajax applications, page reloading is not required. Ajax minimizes the Network traffic because it just requests what the user needs instead of the whole document. Ajax makes the web applications look like a normal desktop application. Terrific Interaction. Ajax application’s generally have higher response time than Traditional HTML applications It was worth mentioning that Ajax works across platforms and it works regardless of any platform because it uses only basic languages like HTML, Java etc.

7 Java Script XMLHttpRequest DOM XHTML & CSS XML & XSLT

8 XMLHttpRequest –For Asynchronous Communication DOM – Dynamic Display & Data Interaction XHTML & CSS – Look on the Browser XML & XSLT – For Data Processing Java Script - Gets all these Technologies together

9 The technology was brought in early 1990’s and was used to full extent only from mid 2000’s. Google was the one which spotted this technology and used in different applications like Gmail, Google Maps, etc which provided user interface that was much more like a web application. Old applications like Calendar applications are all now getting converted in to Ajax applications. Security aspects in Ajax and normal web applications are same and which needs a good focus on.

10 Do we only need JavaScript for Making Ajax Applications: No VBScript,.NET etc. also be used. Do we only need XML for data transfer and Manipulation in Ajax Applications: No, JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) etc. Can Rich Internet Applications are only built with Ajax. No. Adobe Flash, JavaFX and Microsoft Silverlight. So Don’t mention as Acronym AJAX but as term Ajax.


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