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1. What is dynamic range? 2. If one camera “captures a smaller dynamic range” than another camera, and they both took a picture of the same scene, how.

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Presentation on theme: "1. What is dynamic range? 2. If one camera “captures a smaller dynamic range” than another camera, and they both took a picture of the same scene, how."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. What is dynamic range? 2. If one camera “captures a smaller dynamic range” than another camera, and they both took a picture of the same scene, how would their images differ? 3. A histogram is a graph of all the pixels in the image, based on what? (what’s the x-axis?) 4. If an image has “low contrast”, its histogram would have pixels: a)Bunched up towards the middle b)Bunched up towards the sides c)Distributed evenly 5. For question 4, why? (what does a histogram with pixels in the middle, sides, or distributed evenly tell you?) Week 13 Quiz

2 ? Crushed shadows

3 ? Blown highlights

4 RedGreenBlue 111 RedGreenBlue 555 Not all “crushed shadows” are actually black

5 RedGreenBlue 10 RedGreenBlue 50 As long as pixels aren’t clipped to pure black (or white), detail still exists Transformation: Pixel value x 10

6 Real-world examples Tools Exposure adjustment -Levels -Curves Better Tools Selective shadow/highlight adjustment High Dynamic Range (HDR) blending

7 Important side effect Raising shadows reveals noise!

8 RAW Headroom Original JPEG -4EV adjustment in ACR RAW -4EV adjustment in ACR RAW format gives extra dynamic range headroom to restore crushed shadows and blown highlights

9 Fill FlashOriginal Shadows adjustment Fill flash Low-power flash can “fill in” shadows Better tones, less noise than shadows adjustment

10 Larger photowells allow a larger dynamic range to be captured Larger sensors with less pixels => larger photowells DynamicRange

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