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World Class Education History 3000 Elizabeth Hyde.

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1 World Class Education

2 History 3000 Elizabeth Hyde


4 Alliances on eve of war Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy Triple Entente: Great Britain, France, Russia






10  Rapid progress of German troops to the Marne River  Then stalemate along western front  Trench Warfare  New forms of technology  Machine guns  Gas  Tanks




14  Fought over vast expanses of territory  Russia had large, but ill-equipped army  Managed to divert German troops from the Western Front, but faced serious defeat.


16  Hardship  Food shortages  Coal shortages  Changing social roles  Women into the workplaces in large numbers  Political unrest  Most serious in Russia

17  Unpopular tsar  Ineffectual Duma (representative body)  Hardships of World War I

18  February Revolution of 1917  Formation of provisional government and abdication of Nicholas II  Provisional government and Petrograd Soviet rule jointly  October Revolution of 1917  Bolshevik (and Lenin) lead overthrow of Provisional Government  Civil War until 1921 when Lenin is victorious



21  Lenin  NEP economic policy  Stalin  Increasingly totalitarian  Five Year Plans  Industrialization  Collectivization  Purges of enemies

22  In Italy  Discontented veterans create “Fasci di combattiment” or Bands of Combattants”  1921 Mussolini and his followers win seats in Chamber of Deputies  March on Rome  Victor Emmanuel III offers power to Mussolini

23  Discontent and anger after Treaty of Versailles  Hatred for Weimar Republic  Rightist groups foster nationalism, patriotism, bourgeois values, and anti-Semitism to attract followers

24  Adolph Hitler  Leader of National Socialist German Workers Party (NAZI party)  Uses patriotism and nationalism to attract followers  Uses new media effectively  Calls for supremacy of German people and nation  Demand for lebensraum

25  French fascism lacks effective leader  Rise of Popular Front  Coalition of French Radicals, Socialists, and Communists  Reject fascism  Win elections of 1936  Leon Blum as Prime Minister


27 Map 21.2: The Growth of Nazi Germany, 1933–1939 (p. 934)

28 Map 21.3: World War II in Europe and North Africa (p. 942)

29 Spot Map: The Division of France, 1940 (p. 936)


31 Map 21.3: World War II in Europe and North Africa (p. 942)

32 Map 21.4: World War II in the Pacific (p. 945)

33 Map 22.1: The Impact of World War II on Europe (p. 954)

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