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COMPARATIVE ANCIENT RELIGIONS World History October 2 and 6.

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2 COMPARATIVE ANCIENT RELIGIONS World History October 2 and 6

3 STINGER The textbook makes the point that flood myths like the one found in The Bible and the Epic of Gilgamesh exist in over 600 cultures in the world. What are three different reasons that this might have occurred?

4 REASONS FOR THE EXISTENCE OF THE FLOOD MYTH IN MULTIPLE CULTURES A global flood occurred and has been recorded by different people in different places and times. One story has been repeated and adapted in much the same way that languages and alphabets have been adopted and adapted through trade and communication. Early civilizations centered around rivers, so floods are common and catastrophic occurrences for which people seek explanation.

5 Does the chart to the left change how you think about which of the three statements on the previous slide is more likely to be true? Write a few sentences about which statement is best supported by the data to the left. Use the table to support your answer. Share your answer with a pair partner. Share out and discuss as a class.

6 QUESTIONS FOR THE VIDEO (WRITE THESE DOWN) 1. Why is it difficult to identify a source or origin for Hinduism? 2. How is Hindu culture related to earlier cultures in the Indus River Valley? 3. How is Hindu culture accepting of other traditions and beliefs? What Hindu saying captures this openness? 4. In what ways has Hindu culture been somewhat more advanced than European cultures? 5. How has Hindu culture been influential around the world?


8 PLEASE MAKE THE FOLLOWING GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS- CHART HinduBuddhismJudaism Founder Time Originated Region of the world Number of gods Holy text(s) Moral Law Leadership Final Goal


10 INSTRUCTIONS FOR JIGSAW AND HOMEWORK Read the article provided to you and answer the five questions at the bottom of the article (10 minutes) Fill in your portion of the chart based on the information in the article. (5 minutes) Meet with people who read the other two articles and exchange information to complete the chart. (5 minutes) Complete the venn diagram at home for homework and turn in the chart and the venn diagram next class. Read pages 89-103 (Chapter 4 Sections 1-3) for next class

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