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The 4 functions of a computer are 1.Input 2.Output 3.Storage 4.Processing.

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2 The 4 functions of a computer are 1.Input 2.Output 3.Storage 4.Processing


4 Inputting is not enough. We need to do with the information or the information in some way. This is called or data. This takes place in the INFORMATION SOMETHING CHANGE PROCESSING CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT (CPU).

5 Their are 2 major manufactures of CPUs INTEL AMD

6 The CPU is like the of the computer. It controls information and tells other parts what to do. The CPU generates a lot of so there is usually a nearby to cool it. BRAIN HEAT FAN


8 Primary storage is computer memory that is to the CPU without the use of computer’s Channels. DIRECTLY ACCESSIBLE INPUT / OUTPUT

9 (RAM) Is a type of data storage used in computers. Used for information that is being used at the present time, Date stored in RAM can be. However, when you turn off your computer everything stored on RAM will be. RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY CHANGED LOST

10 (ROM) Is another type of data storage used in computers. Date stored in ROM cannot be. READ ONLY MEMORY CHANGED

11 Secondary storage is computer memory that is to the CPU requiring the use of computer’s Channels. It is usually than primary storage but it typically has storage capacity. It is used to store data that is in active use. NOT DIRECTLY ACCESSIBLE INPUT / OUTPUT SLOWER HIGHER NOT

12 Hard Drive -Stores info for future retrieval - Stores large amounts of info -Todays hard drives typically exceeds 200 GB USB FLASH DRIVES -Flash memory devices integrated with a USB interface - they are small lightweight, removable and rewritable

13 memory inside the CPU a smaller, faster, temporary memory inside the CPU 1 st place the computer looks it stores information that is frequently used and is the 1 st place the computer looks for information speed up your computer It is used to speed up your computer processing

14 Memory cards CD-R DVD Floppy disk Memory cards CD-R DVD Floppy disk


16 The gets its name because it is like a mother to all of the other circuit boards. It is the circuit board and has many smaller boards plugged into it. It holds all the most important parts of the computer. MOTHEROBARD LARGEST

17 are all attached to the motherboard. Each one serves a special purpose. contains special circuits for operating the computer’s sound. handles graphics that are displayed on the monitor. EXPANSION CARDS SOUND CARD VIDEO CARD

18 stands for Basic Input Output System. In very simple terms, the BIOS chip wakes up the computer (like an alarm clock) when you turn it on and reminds it what parts it has and what they do. BIOS

19 are the places on the outside of the computer where you plug in hardware. On the inside of the case, they are connected to expansion cards which are attached to the mother board. These ports allow you to plug in things like, etc. PORTS KEYBOARDS SCANNERS

20 Software are the that tell the different components what to do. Software can be divided into 2 categories: INSTRUCTIONS HARDWARE SYSTEM SOFTWARE (IE OPERATING SYSTEMS) APPLICATION SOFTWARE and

21 Application software is software that is designed and written for a personal, organizational, or processing task, such as word processing. SPECIFIC

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