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My ABC Book of U.S. History Delvecio Watson 5 th period 5-13-11.

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1 My ABC Book of U.S. History Delvecio Watson 5 th period 5-13-11

2 Abolitionist- person who strongly favors doing away with slavery. Adams, Samuel- the start of the sons of liberty and organized the Boston tea party. Abstain- to not take part in some activity such as voting.

3 Blockade- cut off an area by means of troops or warships to stop supplies or people from coming in or going out: to close off the country ports. Boycott- to refuse to buy items from a particular country. Beecher, Catherine- thought that women should be educated for traditional roles in life and established Milwaukee college for women

4 Civil war- conflict between opposite groups of citizens of the same country. Cotton gin- machine removed seeds from cotton fiber. Clay, Henry- famous for the Missouri compromise.

5 Depression- a period of low economic activity and wide spread unemployed. Drought- long time period without rain. Dred Scott vs. Sanford – supreme court case to see if slaves were free when owners took them into free state.

6 Emancipate- free of slaves. Emigration- a person who leaves a country or region to live else where. English bill of rights- a list of rights for their people.

7 Federalist- supporters of the constitution. Fugitive- runaway or trying to runaway. Franklin, Benjamin- he was in the American revolution and helped with the Declaration of Independence.

8 Global warming- a steady increase of average temperature. Green back- a piece of U.S. paper first issued by the north during the civil war. Garfield, James- 20 th president

9 Holocaust- the name given to the mass slaughter of Jews and other groups by Nazis during world war II. Human rights- rights regarded as belonging to all persons, such as freedom from unlawful imprisonment, torture, and execution. Hamilton, Alexander- supported constitution and was the 1 st secretary of state.

10 Impressments- forcing people into service, as in the navy. Internet- a worldwide linking of the computer networks. Inflation- a continues rise in price of goods and services.

11 Judicial review- the right of the supreme court to determine if a law violates the constitution. Joint occupation- the possession and setting of an area shared by two or more countries. Jackson, Andrew- 7 th president

12 Kennedy, John F.- 35 th president Keller, Helen- overcame an illness as a child that left her blind, deaf, and mute. King, Martin Luther, Jr.- Held a boycott for African Americans to stay off of the buses after Rosa Parks had been arrested, and gave his famous “I have a dream” speech.

13 Landslide- an overwhelming victory. Literacy- the ability to read and write. Lincoln, Abraham- known as honest Abe, was the 16 th president, and held the civil war.

14 Mission- religious settlement. Migration- a movement of a large number of people into a new home land. Monroe, James- wrote the Monroe Doctrine and was the 5 th president.

15 Nullify- to cancel or make ineffective. Neutral- taking no sides in the conflict. Napoleon- sold U.S. the Louisiana Territory.

16 Olive Branch Petition- assured the king of the colonist desire for peace. Offensive- position of attacking or the attack itself. Override- to overturn or defeat as a bill proposed in congress.

17 Privateer- armed private ship. Plantation- a large estate run by an owner or manager and farmed by laborers who lived there. Penn, William- belonged to a group called quakers.

18 Quakers- believed that every individual had an inner light that could guide him/her to salvation. Quebec, Battle of- British won against France in the French and Indian war. Quartering of troops- housing soldiers.

19 Revival- a series of meetings conducted by a preacher to arouse religious emotion. Repeal- to cancel an act or law. Revere, Paul- led the sons of libety.

20 Suffrage- the right to vote. Smuggling- trading illegally with other nations. Stowe, Harriet Beecher- wrote a book called “Uncle Tom`s Cabin. ”

21 Tariff- a tax on imports or exports. Tribute- money paid for protection. Thoreau, Henry Davis- he went to jail for standing up for his beliefs, refused to pay a dollar to vote not wanting the money to support war.

22 Unalienable rights- a right that can not be surrendered. Underground Railroad- a system that helped enslaved African Americans follow a network of escape routes out of the South to freedom in the North. Uncle Tom`s Cabin- a book about how cruel slavery was and haw slaves were treated.

23 Veto- to reject a bill and prevent it from becoming a law. Vigilantes- people who take the law into their own hands. Van Buren, Martin- was the 8 th president.

24 War Hawks- republicans during Madison`s presidency who pressed war with Britain. Writ of Assistance- legal document that enabled officers to search homes and warehouses for goods that might be smuggled. Washington, George- 1 st president made British surrender at the Battle of Yorktown.

25 XYZ affair- referring to 3 French agents.

26 Yankee- Union soldier. Yellow Journalism- a type of sensational, biased, and often false reporting. Yorktown, Virginia- British surrendered to the 13 colonies.

27 Zenger, John Peter- was charged for libel printing a critical report about the royal governor of New York Zuni, the- people from the South, they took part in sophisticated trade that extended from Southwest to Mexico.

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