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NOUNS. Kinds of Nouns “Things to Know” Five Functions of the NOUN: Subject Direct Object Indirect Object Object of Preposition Predicate Noun.

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2 Kinds of Nouns “Things to Know” Five Functions of the NOUN: Subject Direct Object Indirect Object Object of Preposition Predicate Noun

3 A NOUN names a person, place, thing or idea. Proper NounSPECIFIC Common NounANY

4 ConcreteNounTOUCH, SEE Abstract NounIDEAS, QUALITIES

5 Compound Nouns Compound Nouns- Nouns made up of two or more words. 3 Ways to Form 1.One Word 2.Hyphenated 3.Multiple Words

6 Possessive Nouns Possessive Nouns- names who or what owns or has something. Characteristics: Common or Proper Singular or Plural

7 2 ways to form Possessive Nouns 1. Add an apostrophe s‘s Singular and Plural nouns NOT ending with s. 2.Add an apostrophe‘ Plural Nouns ending with s.

8 Plurals, Possessives, Contractions CONTRACTION- word made by combining two words into one by leaving out one or more letter Which has the contraction: a.Carol’s car is a lemon. b.We have two Carols in our class. c.Carol’s leaving for school Monday.

9 Complete the following on your own paper… SingularPlural Singular Possessive (add another noun to show ownership) Plural Possessive (add another noun to show ownershipContraction (form with verb “is” for examples) AutoAutosAuto’s tiresAutos’ tiresThe red auto’s (auto is) going north.

10 Appositives & Appositive Phrases APPOSITIVE-a noun placed next to another noun to identify it or add information about it. APPOSITIVE PHRASE-a group of words that includes the appositive and other words that describe the appositive.

11 Comma the Appositives Best Friend… Appositive or Appositive Phrase at the beginning of a sentence will end with a comma. An Appositive or Appositive Phrase in the middle of a sentence will be offset by commas. A comma will appear at the beginning of an appositive or appositive phrase at the end of the sentence.

12 1. Full Name? 2.Where were you born? 3.Favorite Color, Sport, Food, Music? 4.Do you have siblings? 5.Do you have pets? 6.What do you want to be when you grow up? 7.Share something funny or interesting. Appositive Interview Questions…

13 Collective Nouns COLLECTIVE NOUN- names a group of individuals. Unit=Singular Meaning=Singular Verb Individuals=Plural Meaning=Plural Verb

14 Collective Noun Examples: The orchestra tune their instruments before each performance. The orchestra plays patriotic music each Independence Day.

15 TIP…(Use your verb #) Replace the collective noun with “it”. If this works, then the nouns is singular. It plays patriotic music each Independence Day. Replace the collective noun with “they”. If this works, then the noun is plural. They tune their instruments before each performance.

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